If you liked DDLC, check out You Me and Her a love story. Also Slay the Princess has a lot of weirdness going on and is a super good VN.
If you liked DDLC, check out You Me and Her a love story. Also Slay the Princess has a lot of weirdness going on and is a super good VN.
They’ve all been mentioned, but I want to second my favorites of all time
My roommate just finished ‘Until Then’ last night and she was crying her eyes out, so I know it’s gonna be good, I just haven’t played it yet.
Edit: I almost forgot Tsukihime! It’s great with a few different routes that wildly change what the story is about, so highly recommended!
Pony island was awesome!
It’s definitely not exactly DDLC, but it’s so good and unique I put it in the same ‘greatest VNs of all time’ category. Slay the Princess is a masterpiece, and I’d urge you to bump it up on your backlog!
Pyre was the game that made me get into visual novels. Took me about 10 minutes to go from ‘When do I get to the game part’ to ‘Idgaf about soccer please just keep talking to me’ and I think it’s because it wasn’t marketed as a VN. All in all, everything supergiant touches is gold.
Yet another reason to HATE EMOJIS
The Cheese Test (youtube link) is a great way to visualize this. If the food doesn’t rotate, you end up with hot and cold spots.
(This was just the first video I could find of someone performing the test for people who hadn’t heard of it, I didn’t listen to the video, only confirm that that’s what they’re doing)
I drank so much soda that one steam summer sale. Like bought thousands and left my game on while I was at work drank soda. Good times.
I really tried to learn CDDA but damn that game can be brutal when you’re just starting out. If you have any resources or even just tips I would greatly appreciate it!
I hugely regret not buying 10 of them when they were liquidating their stock and selling them for $5. I love mine and am really worried about what I’ll do when it inevitably breaks.
I love XPtolevel3’s newish video about this problem
If you’re into colony Sims Rimworld is amazing! Biotech and Idology are also great DLC expansions that give you a lot more options. IMO Royalty is the weakest one so if you’re just starting out I might recommend passing on it unless you really love the game
This was always my issue with Dota. It just feels so sluggish to have to turn around to run away instead of instantly changing direction like in LoL. That being said I love Dota! Now whenever my friends drag me into League I constantly find myself wishing I had a courier.
I just wanted to ask, did you happen to get the phrase ‘pants on head stupid’ from zero punctuation back in the day? It’s the only place I’ve ever heard that term before and I still use it all the time
If you haven’t already watched a ton of gameplay, be warned it is VERY different from DD1. Both good games, but I was going expecting a hamlet and that is not what they were going for in the sequel.
I get what you’re saying, and jumping in and getting started is exactly what OP needs to do. However, if they read your comment and take your advise, they might be inclined to take ALL your advice and starting them with a difficult language when they know nothing is probably a bad idea. It’s like you have embedded bad advise inside your good advise, and someone who knows nothing won’t be able to see that. If OP’s still reading these comments, just replace rust with C# or HTML/CSS depending on what you’re into and then reread KindaABigDyl’s first comment.
Just stay away from the luciferium!
I absolutely love World of Horror! It just hit 1.0, so if you were looking to try it out nows a great time! Also worth mentioning that it has modding support, so you can go on the discord and extend the games content a ton (not that it’s really short on content to begin with)
RELEASE LUCY ALREADY DAMMIT (I’m just really excited for a crossover character to be in GG)