The gag in this screenshot is also a call-back to S1E05, where Peralta is interrogating a perp and trying to “annoy him into confessing” by playing a guitar poorly and screaming.
The gag in this screenshot is also a call-back to S1E05, where Peralta is interrogating a perp and trying to “annoy him into confessing” by playing a guitar poorly and screaming.
I’m about 98% certain that RDM directed a handful of Enterprise episodes. Looks to me like threw on his old Voyager costume one day so the two shows’ helmsmen could take a photo together.
It’s very likely to become my most recent “doesn’t need all my attention” game, as I always need one of those on deck (if you’ll pardon the expression).
Alright, I was probably going to play it anyway even with dips down to the low 20s. But if we’re not even at the full release yet and the modding scene is already squeezing more out of that bottom 1%, I’m just biting the bullet and buying the damned game.
For anyone in the same boat, Fanatical is selling the pre-release versions of the game for 17% off, packaged with a random “highly rated” Steam game. My freebie was Reventure, which is regularly $8.99 CAD.
It wasn’t until I became a Doctor Who fan that I realised the Frizz is actually a rogue Time Lord. The bus is simply her TARDIS.
When I first started venturing about the internet in the early 2000s, I came across a definition of spam that has yet to fail me as either a user or a moderator: stupid, pointless, or annoying messages. You haven’t qualified as any of the above — except for those that are exactly the kind of stupid and pointless that Risa exists for.
Star Trek content is what we’re all here for, and IMO there’s precious little of it on the Fediverse. If posting here is the only way you’re getting that sweet sweet serotonin right now, then I say post away my friend. You’re helping yourself and providing much needed content.
Keep it up, man. For real.
Gonna back off a bit today.
Please don’t! The Fediverse needs content, and while I guess I can’t speak on behalf of the whole community I will say that I’ve really come to appreciate yours.
~~I read an article just this morning that said it’s expected to release with version number 1.6.35 or something, meaning they been patching and updating it ahead of release. That’s likely what the delays have been about — to polish it up in advance to avoid the kind of negative press that surrounded Cyberpunk 2077 at release, which came from a studio that had a great deal more goodwill from the community than Bethesda.
Edit: https://tech4gamers.com/starfield-build-update-version/~~
Edit 2: Man I’m dumb. Didn’t check which thread this reply was for and replied with unrelated gibberish.
Sure, if Valve ever releases it.
Oh man, this was me trying to defeat Detleff in the final boss fight of Witcher 3’s Blood & Wine DLC.
I have no idea what I’m going to do when I get to that fight in my Death March playthrough…