Partially. ACA is mostly based on the compromise plan to appease republicans when Clinton was trying to do health care reform in 1993. It failed and led to the Republicans taking control of the senate for the fist time in 40 years.
It set the stage for the pattern of Dems ignoring the left portion of the party for a compromise proposal with the Republicans. The Republicans bail on the compromise and nothing happens.
Voters are pissed at the Dems for not doing anything and put the Republicans in power the next election. Basically the template for the pattern we still see today.
So on 9/11 the fighters scrambled to intercept United 91 had no weapons installed. There were no orders but one of the two pilots sad the plan was to ram the cockpit bringing down the both their plane and the passenger plane.
I’ll add that very few fighter pilots will ever scramble a plane. There is a large checklist pilots go through before taking off particularly a fighter. When a fighter is scrambled that’s all skipped.