Done that for free
Done that for free
Don’t these people test their shit before release? Hobby devs have better qc than reddit
Being anti immigration does NOT make you a nazi. It’s this kind of us against them rhetoric that got us into this situation in the first place. It may make you a racist, but you can be racist and an asshole and still be a democrat and far from a nazi. The world isn’t black and white, please grow up
Höchstwahrscheinlich sind da nur alte Leute und sau geile Natur, also geht schlimmer
Sir you are too level headed for the internet
The devs said they couldn’t reach the level of optimization they were aiming for in time for release. Would you rather have them release the game a month late or play on medium for a month. I know what I prefer. You don’t know what you’re talking about frankly when you say its “not optimized at all”
More than enough for a top down strategy game. Why are you so obsessed with 60 fps in a game where nothing moves fast and reaction times dont matter
The metaverse was stillborn.
It was the hype for like 4 weeks and was dead before it even existed
Coincidentally they also sell wireless headphones
Das mit dem Meeting kann ich so bestätigen
Und am aller wichtigen, open source. Niemand kann Godot je wieder proprietär machen
Morgen werden Fahrräder verboten, hast wohl noch nie über Autos nachgedacht. Man kann einfach eine gewisse professionelle Grundstabilität erwarten, von einer Regierung und von einem Software-Anbieter. Diese Entscheidung jetzt auf den Konsumenten zu blamen ist einfach dumm und zeugt nur von Überheblichkeit
Wow the fact that this is considered good is depressing
Hey same here, although I’m just getting started in the industry. I’ll look into Unreal soon I guess, been wanting to do that for a while anyways, and maybe also experiment with godot
Problem is back then no better alternative existed. Now it does
It’s sad that I thought this was AI generated. It’s beautiful, OP!
Für Leute die gerne radfahren ist das auch kein Argument. Ich bin lieber zuhause und starte dann meine Radrunde in die Natur statt durch Innenstadtverkehr