The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
The point isn’t to increase productivity it’s to tire and emiserate the minions.
When I was like 9 or 10 I thought our neighbor was at the door so I jumped out in my home made samurai pizza cats outfit, yelling “samurai pizza cats, they’re so bad!”, presuming that he was there to play samurai pizza cats.
Turned out to be a boy from my class at school collecting money for something. He proceeded to blackmail me, getting my lunch in exchange for keeping my dorkiness hush-hush.
Fascist coups succeed when the rich have bought into the coup.
Why would the rich seizing full control of the state make the stock market go down?
All day. Usually getting worse over the course of the day. Even a relatively mild hangover in the morning would be killing me by early evening.
Nothing helps it either. I’ve always eaten before drinking. Staying on top of hydrating while and after drinking has no noticable effect.
Our explanations for the behavior of outsiders say more about our beliefs than theirs.
Even explanations that feel correct to us are almost certainly wrong in important ways.
There’s plenty of scholarship on the various reasons people support fascism, that’s probably your best chance for a full answer.
I feel like a plate could withstand a knife stab
As a klutz who grew up without a dishwasher I can tell you it cannot.
I wonder what kind of performance bonus the republicans earn from putin if they can pressure the world’s 5th largest economy to leave the US.
All social media apps generate enough data about their users to engineer effective disinformation campaigns, influence elections and sway public opinion.
The US would prefer that China has to ask Russia to do that, rather than having direct access.
It also helps the china hawks in the US government who want war by contributing to the perception of China as implacably malicious.
There was a study from Princeton showing that no major policy has aligned with public opinion since the civil rights era.
There is no measurable way that our government has reflected the will of the majority in over 50 years.
Lol, this is my first time hearing about this game. On gog.com it has 1.8/5 score, or 4.8 from verified owners.
That would suggest that most people who’ve played it liked it well enough.
I would call this qualia chauvinism, when people need to feel their subjective experience is universal.
We used a two person system.
One held the cat close to their body, securing the front paws against the cat with one hand and securing the head with the other hand. You have to secure the back hips against you with your arm or elbow.
The other pushed the pill into the cat’s mouth, held it shut and stroked the throat.
After a few months the cat realized struggling wasn’t worth the effort and only tried to claw our faces off if we got complacent.
We miss her very much.
It’s possible to spend your own money unethically. I don’t think your argument is sound.
All the photos of full-time lumberjacks I’ve seen are from the US and they’re all skinny and wiry. Lumberjacking required an absurd amount of calories/day and no major lumber concern gave their workers enough food to cover that.
The posters in the Linux version are also in the windows version. The windows version has extra layers of posters on top, the Linux version just has that base layer.
Or that’s how it looks to me at least.
Grifters trying to stymie competing grifts is the ideal use of our throughly corrupt court system. Just the perfect venue for that. It’s like an inception of lies and money.
I always presumed Yoda’s native language was an Object Subject Verb (OSV) language, or used OSV for emphasis. It’s common for 2nd language speakers to occasionally slip into native language grammar - such as Chinese speakers omitting the/a.
Yoda can correctly use SVO in English (Galactic Common iirc?), just not all the time. Again suggesting a proficient non-native speaker. For example: ”Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Yaddle doesn’t speak like Yoda, indicating either better fluency or an SVO native language - not all the species need speak the same native language.
There are no good or bad people, that’s not how being a biological organism works.
Everyone has a spectrum of different risk/reward tolerances and the perceived risks and rewards of an action determine individual behavior.
Ratcheting up the risks by imposing punishments lowers the amount of individuals who determine the action to be beneficial to them. Other factors can have more influence though - raising shoplifting penalties does little to influence the behavior of a starving population, for example.
First time I quit i was sick and cigarettes tasted awful for a week, so I figured if I had already gone a week without I might as well quit. Whenever I got a craving I thought about how disgusting they tasted with a cold, and imagined spongey lungs filling with black tar till I gave myself a shiver of disgust.
I started up again years later while traveling, then quit for good while visiting my parents for 2 months - I know I’m too embarrassed to smoke around my parents.
Our russian controlled white house will probably host several more PR stunts like this as they work towards their goal of fully cutting off US aid to ukraine.
I think it makes more sense to look at this as the latest step in that plan, rather than an unexpected event that with uncertain consequences to puzzle over. If this particular stunt was axed at the last minute, the situation in 6-12 months would likely be the exact same.
Ukraine was never going to accept a shakedown attempt from a proven welcher working for their enemy, nor agree to a full russian victory just because it was called peace.