Well, the only thing they have to fear is sphere itself.
I dont know, I think they came around.
Its usually good enough. Mobile check deppsit doesnt work. Other things are fine.
If I cant find the app I need on fdroid, i usually just use the web version.
Thats a house centipede. Looks creepy, but its a nice house pet. It eats all of the other, undesireable, pests in your house.
There’s usually a black friday sale. I use simple login with the email service and its great. The vpn and calender are solid as well.
Big Trouble in Little China
Nothing but Trouble
Swipe sucks
Easiest way to tell would be to pick up a new file and try it. If it works, then you needed a new file. If it doesnt, then you need to work on your technique.