You think this is a joke??
Ergo, reddit promotes illegal activity I take it? 🤔🤔
Thank you my good sir, I appreciate the positive feedback. Good day to you 😇😗
Um yeah, they are degrading to my image. I have to keep a good profile
*sublemmy My bad, you can remove the downdoot now
My greatest apologies, but I have had to downvote your comment due to the unauthorized promotion of illegal content such as firearms. Ergo, I recommend you do not promote firearms in the future unless you are authorized to own one per se, and that it is permitted in the subreddit. If you write an apology as an edit in your post, then I will retaliate and remove the downvote
Please do not promote the usage of illegal substances here on this platform. As the usage of them can lead to legal action, per the federal Marijuana Tax act of 1937 thereupon enforcing the disusage of the substance in 35 US states. Henceforth, I will have to report your post to the proper authorities.
Edit: Stop downdooting!! I am a lawyer!
Pizza contains meat and cheese, which is harmful to animals! Please do not eat Pizza and consider adopting a vegan diet. Not only is it better for your health, you could be saving millions of lives.
Source: Am a former PETA member, but this comment isn’t sponsored in any way.
You appear to be in the wrong subreddit (sublemmy?). This is a community based around programmer humor. I recommend you go to the furry sublemmy instead. It is for this reason I have down voted your post today
Sorry, but I doubt the authenticity of any of this this. Please do not frame op for something he/she/they/it/he/xer didn’t do, it might even be against the subreddit rules thanks
Edit: Why the downdoots?
tl;Dr 😒😒