I’ve listened to them a lot, but had never seen any music videos apart from Smoko. Need to have a watching session now!
I’ve listened to them a lot, but had never seen any music videos apart from Smoko. Need to have a watching session now!
Well that tracks as Eli Roth has never made a good film.
I’d never seen the video for this. It is spectacular.
Despite the article talking about crashes, that outfit from Threads really makes me want to play!
I was semi-joking, but I also didn’t click the link.
Bro, no-one’s clicking a link with “spyware” in the URL.
Interesting, you sound like a 12 year old on Fortnite.
I think generally the majority of developers do think like this. They’re normally the ones passionate about good games and see fads and trends for what they are. Unfortunately it is not usually these developers in control of major decisions or greenlighting projects at [large] games studios. Even less so at publishers.
Well how do you combat that if you are in a household or shared network with others who aren’t privacy conscious?
I had considered that, but that would mean they are collating and amalgamating data coming from a single IP, which is almost as bad as listening to my microphone. Both are data gathering without my permission.
I’m not so sure. I’m interested in this thread because I had a recent issue like this. I barely use Instagram, hadn’t booted the app for a month or something, only have it to support my SO’s art account. Never comment/DM, just likes. Had a lengthy in person conversation about tattoos and the idea of getting them at current location. I didnt do any searches on my phone or any other device for that matter. Don’t have any tattoos, or ever look at that content on insta (only follow art and wildlife photography accounts). Booted up Instagram that day and was getting purely adverts for local tattoos studios on my feed. Checked my permissions, all disabled. The only explanation I have is that it’s somehow still listening. That can’t possibly be a coincidence.
I wouldn’t say Metroid and Castlevania merging into the name of a new genre label is quite the same as expecting every game with the word “Soul” in the title to be a souls-like.
Rogue has a similar problem sure, but I don’t think it’s at the point of expecting every game using the word to be a Rogue-like. Recent example 40k: Rogue Trader.
Its a bit odd if a genre can have a monopoly on a word which has been used throughout games involving any magic or mysticism since the 80’s
Kinda. On PC you still use the Xbox app and game pass has Xbox branding. It’s not just about OS, it’s about store sales.
My point is that technically everyone that bought it bought it on iOS. The figures are the same whether you look at iOS sales, MacOS sales or “Apple ecosystem” sales.
Ok but we are taking about the ecosystem. Should we start saying “Xbox ecosystem” for everything on game pass, or the “Steam ecosystem” for games that work on PC and Steam Deck?
Leaving the EU was a major problem. All game developers in other EU countries pull from all over the EU for their talent pool, but that’s much harder for the UK now.
So you mean to say you can play on all iOS devices?
Someone should write them a strongly worded letter for infringing on white representation and ruining the man’s good reputation.
They’re technically interdimensional beings. They were worshipped as Gods by the Norse, not literally Nordic humans.
Wasn’t that Quake, not DOOM?