Closer to the speed of sound than the speed of light. But still a dang quick wave of blood coming at you!
Closer to the speed of sound than the speed of light. But still a dang quick wave of blood coming at you!
I think that would just be a hypervisor
They mentioned their car uses 3.3 kwh per mile. With their solar setup they can generate around 6hwh per hour. Meaning they can generate roughly 2 miles every hour of sunlight.
Oh I see that error now. I guess I just assumed from context his 6kwh panels generated 2 miles per hour. I get the confusion though
You get 4 miles per kwh and they get 3.3 and you call that insanely high? The 2.5-4 mile to kwh is really standard for EVs. I don’t think the 3.3 is outside of the norm at all.
Click the three lines and click settings. Then you can choose a default country. First time using this tool so can’t advocate for it but you can absolutely change countries very easily.
I love my job. I am extremely passionate about my field of work and absolutely do things in the same field in my free time. I know many people who truly do what they love and love what they do. Maybe we’re just plain lucky or maybe we were about to make our passions profitable.
And certainly less laundered
Grim picture
Go green, only run one environment, production
But real women smell! (so do real men)
Hello German speakers!
Lol we are not that fast. That’s why phone number spoofing and spam calls are still incredibly rampant
Lol calm down it was an off hand joke. Not a great joke and it clearly didn’t land but it certainly wasn’t some grand statement meant to offend
As a straight male, I too have fingers and a mouth
This is almost certainly it. I agree those lumps on the bottom look intentionally designed to prevent sloshing when filling the pond
Currently doing a pistol only (the only gun, melee and grenades are okay) play through
I think what they are trying to say is then you, alone can change your schedule how you see fit. Many others don’t see the utility and don’t want the forced change.
If you want more light in the morning, you yourself can wake up later
Anyone where where I can get some tiny swords and shields?