In season 4 of Game of Thrones, Arya was telling Sandor how the Mountain’s men killed her friend Lommy.
Sandor grumpily asks “What the fuck is a Lommy?” Which became a little bit of a meme.
“What the fuck is a Lemmy” is a spin off meme of that sort of.
canned food just at or past the expiry date.
Now im imagining a set of emotes for Mystery, but its all the same image.
wife bad
golf good
The writers keep doing this shit.
The Berlin Wall arc just abruptly ended because they announced that East Germans could freely travel to the west and ‘conveniently’ forgot to mention there were still some regulations. Then the Border guards ‘conveniently’ said “fuck it” and let people pass without checking passports.
They built up the Epstein island arc like mad only to end it with him killing himself in prison and then never mention it again.
Im in Newfoundland.
Wait times in the emergency room aren’t too bad. Its very heavily triaged so if you go in with a major emergency you will basically be seen immediately, but if you go in with something minor you might have to wait a few hours, especially if there are any respiratory illnesses going around. Children and elderly patients struggling to breathe take priority over an otherwise healthy adult with a wound that just needs a few stitches.
Getting a family doctor can be difficult. There just aren’t enough to go around.
Seeing a specialist will usually involve a long wait list (a few weeks to a few months depending on what they specialize in), so its best to book an appointment as soon as you can. You may have to travel to St.Johns so there might be some travel expenses. Growing up I had to see an ENT in St.Johns every summer for a checkup, so we just turned the visit into a camping trip.
Dwarf raspberry/dewberry. My pop used to call it ‘gumbo’ for some reason.
Its a tiny little raspberry plant that produces one berry per plant, so its hard to get it in any quantity.
The fruit itself is more juicy than a regular raspberry, and tastes more like fake raspberry flavored candy. Its always a treat to find these while hiking.
Let them think humanity is 99% buff oily badasses in speedos who will gladly fuck you up until their dying breath.
Kinda like the Alit and Kagouti from the Elder Scrolls series, basically just a mouth with legs.