I used RIF, but ended up using Jerboa for some random reason I can’t remember. Will check out Voyager.
I used RIF, but ended up using Jerboa for some random reason I can’t remember. Will check out Voyager.
When was he born? Not everyone knows all the “secret” signs for stuff. How 18 is A.H or how 81 is H.A (Hells Angels) 1% biker clubs have surprisingly much of such codes. 8 is also the number of Khorne in the Warhammer fantasy/sci-fi setting. And before we start with that there are surprisingly few Nazis who play, but the few are very vocal.
Years ago I saw a guy in a crocery store in Norway wearing a “Combat18 Böhmen” hoodie. Buying ingredients for tex-mex taco incidentally. And when I pointed him out to my wife, she said that you are probably the only one in here to know this, and spot him for what he is.
So if Andy was born in 1988 I hope it’s why he has 88 in his username.
Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)
Biggest surprise: Final Fantasy tactics. Bought it for PSOne, PSP and Android.
Time spent playing: WoW
Story: (though category to pick one) Deus Ex
Honorable mentions: Day of the Tentacle Minecraft Final Fantasy VII Diablo Mass Effect series Portal series Half Life series
That game is one of my saddest histories. As a bit to young to play it I bought it and found it immensely boring just slogging through the dungeon at the start. Didn’t understand the weapon system. Eventually after several tries I got into the city proper but couldn’t handle that first boss fight. Put it aside and never picked it back up again. Still have the game somewhere. No PSOne tho’
Pass it forward is a good English phrase we don’t have in my language
No mobile platform is secure. Even EncroChat was broken.
My mother worked in Germany in the late 60s (We are Norwegian) and her boss’ (and life long friend of the family) husband was 16 when he was literally drafted from HJ to the SS in early 45. He was a good jugend and it was an “honor” and such BS. But having spent all his childhood in nazi Germany he knew nothing else. He was captured by the Russians in Czechoslovakia and spent 5 years as a POW and the only reason he made it as far as becoming a POW was his age and because the SS NCOs made sure he didn’t get the SS serial number tattoo since he was so young.
God knows how he manages to survive, but I never knew him to not eat every morsel of food on his plate, and he never talked about his experience.
I shed no tears for Nazis, but I do shed tears for the duped and the “innocents” of any conflict.
Make sure she has no illnesses she can transfer to Nini before you let them permanently together
Norwegian here. I quit reddit and joined Lemmy after the API debacle. Installed mint because of W11. (A big factor was how Steam and proton enables me to play games)
Can’t say either Lemmy or Linux has gotten any media attention in the big news sources as far as I can see.
I am the only one in my circle of friends that quit Reddit (most follow the various 40k reddits, and they have no replacement in federated options)
Kids with little experience perhaps. And morons.
Wasn’t Eisenhower the last of those republicans?
Like Terry Pratchett said: Bad times make good men
Good men make good times
Good times make bad men
Bad men makes bad times
Can understand that, but I feel it’s dumbed down. Better to state the increase and then say it’s relative to [some relatable fact] perhaps?
I don’t like to use relative numbers to illustrate the increase. 48% can be miniscule or enormous based on the emission last year.
While I don’t think the increase is miniscule it’s still an unessesary ambiguity.
I installed Mint (no idea mint was old tbh) looked into Gentoo and tried the live boot USB option. 'This looks nice, no how do I install" The install option opened a web page (gentoo wiki) with several options for guides based on various permutations. All options send you in a ring without actually telling me how to install.
I went back to Mint as it does the few things I need a PC to do these days:
Some kind of office suite with spreadsheet and word processor, Steam, Netflix and Prime, Firefox
Added bonus is that it runs MegaMek natively AND i don’t need to read pages of documentation, just click install.
What’s the issue? I installed mint because I know fuckall about Linux, and tbh it’s a dice toss if I have used the Flatpak option not knowing what the actual difference between them are
deleted by creator
The white chair is TripTrap made by Stokke (At least the original design, guess it’s been pirated by other makers) This could have been any Nordic country as well apart from the details ofc :) I blame IKEA for that
So the Norwegian Forest Cat is sitting on the Norwegian children chair :)
Edit. Think it might be a siberian actually…
Norwegian here. Not that often I think of India tbh, but here is a short bullet point list
Last show I saw about India was that James May show on Amazon
I have an attention span of a 2 year old, so I never really finish games. But that one of the few to hold my attention all the way through. Even if I initially hates the movement and controls at first since I had expected a FFVII style game