Oh great, we’re on the Darth Jar Jar timeline.
Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.
Oh great, we’re on the Darth Jar Jar timeline.
Could never pick a lock either. I quit because I couldn’t hit anything with a bow and that noble guy made fun of me.
Right now, climate change. This planet was a paradise and we ruined it for ourselves. I don’t think we have very long before ecosystems just start breaking down in massive ways.
Sometimes I just want to go back to bed, and never leave it again. No more going to work, no more grocery shopping, no more chores, just me laying in my bed cozy and warm.
Right? Why should I pay full price for a game and it’s a buggy mess, sometimes even unplayable past a certain piont? All this has done has made me wait a year or two for games that I want, so I can get functional games, which is the opposite of how the studios want to make money.
This is going to be a weird suggestion, but I used to do professional stage makeup including wigs and bald caps. Has your mom considered getting a partial wig? Maybe a Mohawk or side hawk? It would have to be glued by a professional hair stylist, but it would be an excellent way to have hair but without sweating under a wig. Best of luck to your mom! Losing hair sucks.
I did cry watching that. What the fuck man, how hard is it to make a litter box that doesn’t kill pets!?!! You had one job!
I think it was either frogger on the Commodore or a handful of early Atri games. (I am old and will die soon.)
This is what I did, except I’m in the USA. I had to contact the FCC directly because my phone and internet provider just pretty much quit working. Turns out they were doing repairs in our area and just didn’t tell anyone to expect interruptions. If your ISP won’t take you seriously now, they will if you file an informal complaint with the FCC or other comparable agency.
There’s something about that panicked raccoon shuffle offset by the quick cut to the disappointment in the players faces that made me lose it. Holy shit my sides.
I don’t have a lot of advice on how to identify triggers, it’s a crap shoot, but here is what I do about them when I feel overwhelm coming on.
One: Belly breathing. This is beyond a doubt the greatest skill I learned in therapy. Plenty of tutorials online for it and few different versions.
Two: Imagine a dial on your stomach with the numbers 1-10. 10 being meltdown and 1 being completely calm. Picture yourself slowly turning down the dial while taking deep breaths.
Three: I started carrying a small fidget toy in my pocket that I can play with when I feel like I want to rip off my skin and run screaming out of the biulding.
Hope this helps!
I think he pretty much nailed how it feels to be autistic, at least for me. Really great skills in some areas and then absolutely terrible skills in others. How exhausting masking is. I think I only ever unmask when I am alone. It scares me to ask where do I end and mask begins? I’m not sure I know anymore.
I’m not able to watch the video until I get home today, but I am a high functioning autistic women. I have been told SO MANY times I can’t be autistic. Not that I don’t act like I have autism, not that I don’t seem autistic, that I can’t be. It isn’t until poeple see what work and socializing takes out of me that they truly understand I am autistic and how much WORK goes into appearing to be normal so I can keep my job.
Not OP but I can visualize great, still have no sense of direction.
No. Not a tankie. It would be nice if autocorrect let me type tankie and not talkie. I had to cut and paste it I’m not proud.
This is not a healthy coping mechanism but I bribe myself with cookies like I’m a dog. If I get up and put the laundry in the dryer I get a cookie. If I send that email I get a cookie. It usually works. It won’t really make me enjoy life but it does get me through it, if you know what I mean.
Yup. After my diagnosis there was a lot that suddenly made sense looking back on it.
I have been out of the mod scene for awhile but I really liked Dense Grass. Doesn’t add in new plants just more of whatever was already there.
I went to therapy for almost this exact reason. I will tell you what my therapist told me. Just because these terrible things are happening, doesn’t mean you can’t have meaning and joy in your life. It can be hard to feel grateful, it can be hard to feel happy, during such times, but it’s possible. I would suggest reaching out to a professional if you can afford it.
I just recently got back into minecraft. Man it’s addicting. Like I’ll just chop down one more tree before bed annnddd now it’s two hours later.