I’ve got a beginner 2 bay NAS set up with about 18TB for all my family’s media.
Pictures from our phones are also backed up in Google Photos. Not private at all but it works as an off site option.
He proposed a shitty Art Park on Lanai, the island he bought the majority of, and wanted to set up surveillance to stop “vandals”.
Worked on the plumbing for the fountains he wanted to building. Those surveillance measures never came to be, yet…
My In-Laws house has some BAD juju for sure.
-Had an uncle pass away in it
-Multiple pets run over in the driveway
-Bad experiences living there when we moved back home and we looking for a place
-Bonus Room flooded MULTIPLE due to MIL not understanding how retaining walls work.
Just a cursed place in general and I’m glad I’m nowhere near that house.
There’s this one storefront where I live that’s basically unused for the year. But once Thanksgiving comes near the owner of the building will stock it with Christmas decorations and trees for the town to buy. Locally we just call it the Spirit Christmas version.
Not surprised. But with some better writing this could’ve been at least somewhat decent. Love the games and there are lots of stories to tell there.
Started Baldurs Gate 3 a few months ago and just recently started to get more play time.
Hit the gym brother. Instead of starting my work out journey now in my 30s.
I was fortunate enough to have had a fast metabolism through out my 20s but starting a workout habit earlier would’ve helped maintain it better.
I can be on here a LOT less than other apps and not feel like I’m addicted. I jump on to post a couple of things and scroll for a few minutes and I feel like I’m good for the day.
A classy evolution of the previous logos. 👍🏽👍🏽
DVDs and STDs
I absolutely loved THPS as a kid. I didn’t get a PS2 until much later and had to settle with THPS4 on my PS1. It wasn’t until I played the game on my friends PS2 that I realized how stripped down the PS1 version was.
2 copies. One for work. One for Personal life. One for spare parts.
But if they have individualism then I will assume a fight will eventually break out.
Freaking gorgeous.
They definitely do not.
Ran into a herd this summer with one attached to the front of our car. Did not seem to drive them any other way than into my car.
I have resting bitch face so I just constantly look stressed all day when in reality I’m just watching Youtube videos after my hour of work is finished.
Just Kobe me into the nearest dumpster/landfill.
Not me but when my wife was pregnant, the scene in Homeward Bound where Sassy is swept away in the river left her in tears. She stopped the movie and never watched it again lol.
There’s a local burger place where I live that’s basically an In-N-Out without the branding. Excellent cheeseburgers. The owner even uses locally sourced beef so the burgers are pretty fresh.