Vaporware until proven otherwise. I’ve given up on caring
Thank you, fellow crewmates, I’m off. And when I return, I shall be a cabin man.
Vaporware until proven otherwise. I’ve given up on caring
Abortion is now illegal, unless I am not the father of the child, then it is mandatory.
Removed by mod
This meme was devised by a clever person, that kind of stuff doesn’t belong here!
This explains why Tom Cruise is the way that he is.
This is indeed me irl. I even have that whimsical smirk
Shit, that’s all you had to say Trekbro.
And also yes the credits are misspelled >.> it’s a bootleg copy
Stop trying to get Pah-wraiths to happen. It’s not going to happen.
If those Utopia Planitia engineers could read, they’d be very upset.
How dare you make me question my personal ethics and having empathy for freaks of nature. Next, you’ll be telling me that Janeway and Paris should have stayed lizard creatures. They had a fresh spawn of children that will die in the wilderness now. All life is sacred!
This is what I said to my little brother after watching the DS9 2-parter about the Bell Riots
Surely they had knowledge of Thomas Riker and the way he was duplicated. If only Janeway would have studied the historical documents, she could have saved Tuvix and unmerged their combined genome.
Starfleet did 9/11
I remember how awesome Distant Worlds was, as a community event, and I wish I appreciated it more at the time. 65000 light years and back, I even bought a T-shirt and coin to commemorate the event lol o7