• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I think one thing to mention is that Rust is highly specific in what it does. In most of the examples you mentioned, string types, tokio::main, you can essentially just say that rust is more explicit. When initializing an integer variable in C using int, it’s not specified what use the integer is or whether it’s signed or not. i32, uint16_t you can see how it’s specified. Using tokio::main before your main function just specifies that you’re using the tokio asynchronous executor for your async code. In the case of string types, they all have different implementations which just help with being specific.

    The reason I like Rust is because I know what’s happening when I read it. Did I have to read the whole async book to understand how the tokio::main stuff works? Yes. But now I understand exactly how it works. The problem I have with using Javascript is that it doesn’t have that high amount of explicitness(is that a word?). At the end of the day, if you’re using it for a personal project or you’re arguing for language supremacy, it really just comes down to personal preference.