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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Euro@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlGhostty terminal is out!
    Norsk bokmål
    2 months ago

    warning: this is a giant rant lol

    Before the rest of my comment, let me be clear, I think this terminal is good, and i have no problems with it. My problem is with the hype.

    I simply don’t understand the hype whatsoever. First of all, it’s not even faster than my current terminal. especially when running cat /dev/random for whatever reason

    For the test i ran this rust program i saw in a comment thread somewhere

    use std::{
        io::{BufWriter, Write},
    fn main() {
        let buf = File::create("/dev/stdout").unwrap();
        let mut w = BufWriter::new(buf);
        let mut i = 0;
        while i <= 100000 {
            writeln!(&mut w, "{}", i).unwrap();
            i += 1;

    compile with rustc to test yourself.

    running the binary with hyperfine, i get ~35ms on my current terminal (foot), and ~40ms on ghostty.

    The terminal window sizes about the same size, in fact, there were 3 extra lines in foot so it was technically handicapped.

    Next is the whole “native ui thing”, which sure, if you use gnome, or mac is fine i guess, but what about kde where qt is used. And for me i simply hate title bars so i turned it off immediately and now it looks better.

    I do think the tabs are cool, not much to say about that, I wouldn’t use them, but for those who do, pretty cool.

    I have a similar opinion with the panes, personally i think if you want panes, just use a tiling window manager, or tmux or something, but i also dont really have a problem with this (tmux can be annoying).

    If I’ve missed anything let me know, because I really dont get it.

  • Euro@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.ml...
    Norsk bokmål
    7 months ago

    Funnily enough I’ve been looking for a similar utility.

    I use jellyfin, and yacy for my local media/documents

    Jellyfin isn’t really a search engine, and it may or may not work if you disconnect the drives.

    From my experience with shows and movies it does great with metadata and displaying what i have in my collection. However it’s not as good for searching images/videos, as you have to search the exact image/video name (unless it has metadata)

    Yacy on the other hand, is much more like a traditional search engine, with an index and all. It’s great for documents (html, md, txt even docx), but doesn’t do well with media files, as it can’t pull metadata, so you have to search all media by title.

    I dont think yacy has real time updating, if it does, idk how to enable it.

    Both yacy and jellyfin have a way to blacklist things, but they’re just completely different

    yacy has a url based blacklist, while jellyfin only displays stuff from folders you tell it to (basically a whitelist)

    There was a program that I had stumbled across that was able to index a photos folder using image recognition to generate a description that you could search. I have since forgotten the name of the program but it does exist, and if I find it again I’ll update this comment.

    Personally I want something that works like yacy for traditional documents, and can use image recognition for images, but I have yet to find it.

    EDIT: I have found the program that does image recognition: sist2 I have tried it once before, from experience the sqlite search is a bit janky but works decently enough imo, i haven’t tried the other indexing method.