That’s the way I handle it. A 1 on the die is automatic failure, but roll again and on another 1, it’s catastrophic.
That’s the way I handle it. A 1 on the die is automatic failure, but roll again and on another 1, it’s catastrophic.
As a DM, the rules-as-written are more a suggestion than rules. As long as you’re consistent with applying your modified rules, give that Barb an Intimidation bonus based on STR or whatever you like. I have a pretty decent sized list of rules I treat differently than RAW, because some spells and abilities are never used - why cast anything else when you have access to Fireball?
That’s what proficiency and expertise is for. Higher charisma makes a character more naturally adept at those skills, but limited to no more than +5 unless you specialize in one of them. A +5 is nice, but when you start running into higher DC checks, like 15-20, a +5 isn’t super reliable.
I think you’re stretching the definition of a single stroke a bit thin. 😂
Two pieces equal to 1/3 of the total and two pieces equal to 1/6th. Everyone gets a third with 4 pieces, but one person has two smaller pieces that add up to a third. You can accomplish this by cutting one third off each apple with a single stroke,.
Neutral druids don’t care about the welfare of others? Not even the other druids in their circle?
I like your take, you said it better than I did.
No, it still requires something the person does or doesn’t do (within reason) to influence or allow the evil act. If you see someone being mugged and you ignore it and keep walking when you have the power to help, even if just calling the police and walking away, then yes, that inaction makes you a bad person, IMO. But if a bad guy starts a war on the other side of the planet, you’re not evil if you don’t enlist and go fight the evil regime.
But like I said, it’s all a grey area, there is no black and white good and evil in reality. It’s rarely as simple as just “this is good, and this is evil” in real life.
An “evil” act does not make a person evil necessarily. We all do bad shit sometimes. My point was it’s a grey area that can’t be defined with 9 alignments outside of the structure of a game, but knowingly allowing your actions to cause harm to others is an evil act.
That being said, the idea of good and evil is entirely the result of fiction. I don’t believe there’s a black and white “good and evil” in reality. Human actions and motivations can’t be defined so broadly IMO.
As an American, I’m not not making that argument.
If while acting in your own self-interest you knowingly, through action or inaction, allow others to come to harm, even indirectly, that is evil. In the same way that a character knowingly doing something that benefits others would arguably make them good. A chaotic neutral person may act on a whim or in self-interest the majority of the time, but I doubt they’d let their actions cause actual harm to others.
But trying to pigeonhole human behavior into a rigid matrix of alignments is inherently flawed, people are much more complex than that. Fortunately, DND allows the DM free reign to define that or allow it to be a grey area - in reality, “alignment” will always be fluid.
And this appears to be a shot of a closed station that appears to be lit by flashlight - my guess is someone urbexing an abandoned station. There are quite a few stations in NYC that have been closed in the past century and aren’t well maintained. Some are still passed by active trains even though there’s no longer a stop there.
I wrote an anology up and hated it, so I discarded it. Glad someone else nailed it.
What kinda lazy-ass dragon uses illusions instead of Polymorph?
Rich get richer. Had some recent inheritance roll to an IRA, looking at mutual funds to put it into until I’m required to withdraw it. There are ones tracking at 30-45% returns month after month while the economy is in the shitter. Want in? Minimum purchase amount for those funds is $100,000-250,000. The funds normal people can afford pull down more like 15% RoR on aggressive investments, which are super volatile.
You have to be wealthy to get wealthy. 99% of us are getting fucked by the 0.1% - the 1% just happen to have enough money to get into the lower levels of the game, but the 0.1% have investment options we’ll never be party to.
It’s amazing how many people will simp for these billionaires like Musk, and claim they’re “in the game” with their investments and net worth. They’re not. If your net worth is less than mid eight figures, you’re not in the game, you’re a rounding error.
Not true, unfortunately. Insurance and property taxes go up and payment on those is typically held in escrow with your mortgage. If you’re unfortunate enough to live in a state with a clown taint for a governor, like say Ron DeSantis, your mortgage payment could, for example, go up by $600/month this year. Ask me how I know.
I hope Musk manages to fuck up enough that he’s ousted from day to day control of the company.
I’ll never fully understand how forcing his engineers to actually make the Cybertruck wasn’t enough to get him ousted.
Do you drink a lot of sugary drinks? Haven’t had a cavity since I quit drinking (non-sugar free) sodas.
For universities, sure. But not for US public elementary and high schools. They’re just poor.