You’re an idiot because that was never the allegation if you actually read the dossier. The allegation was that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on the bed the Obama’s slept in when they visited Moscow.
You’re an idiot because that was never the allegation if you actually read the dossier. The allegation was that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on the bed the Obama’s slept in when they visited Moscow.
Oh shit. I did not realize that.
Are you able to at least bridge you matrix to the discord? You should, at the very least, be able to do that while also promoting matrix.
Not everyday, but most days. I had always intended to buy the tea myself, but kept forgetting to look at the tag, finally my husband took a picture of it. In my defense I was pregnant att and pregnancy brain is a real thing.
Their tea is cheap as well. I got 3 bags/150 satchets for like $50.
I was so obsessed with Dutch Bros Paris tea that I went and ordered a bag so I’d stop spending $5/day going there. It’s still the best tea that I’ve ever drank, IMO. Add some agave and it’s my own little Dutch bros at home.
Harney & Sons is the brand they use.
There was a war movie and in one scene they were handing out gear to the troops and one guy was like “Is there anything good?” or something along those lines and someone responded “It’s from the Army, NOPE!” And to this day whenever I think about it I chuckle a bit.
Literally figuratively or literally literally?
So I own a 350, I do need it for work though lol, I haul things on an almost daily basis. Anyways, these trucks are usually governed at 96mph. It’s diesel so I get pretty good mileage on the highway, 400+ mi per tank. I do have to fill up about once a week though. Driving cross country, AZ-AL, I only had to fill up 4x.
Eh, I use it for movie/tv discussions because there isn’t a viable alternative yet and I can’t cope with the responsibility of creating it myself.
I mean, missionaries. My sister was one for over a decade and during those years she owned a backpack with some clothes and toiletries and that was all. She received monetary donations that she used to travel, stayed with families in the towns she visited, etc.
You’re not going to see that in the US (especially the Deep South) or really any developed nation because churches are already established. But you will see it often in developing nations where the “message needs to be spread”.
My sister is annoying as hell with a holier than thou attitude. Or at least to me because every time I try to talk to her the conversation somehow turns to god and after also being raised as a devout Christian, fuck that bullshit.
And remember the Deep South has 2 denominations, evangelical and baptist, and both of those are fucking selfish fire and brimstone denominations.
I was suffering from hyperemisis last year and it took 3 doctors before I finally found one to take me seriously, which I consider it lucky it only took 3. The last doc I was practically on my hands and knees begging them to take me seriously.
In the middle of all that I also ended up with pneumonia. Normally I never get sick so I was like wtf is going on. But anyways, a doctor finally took some chest x rays and 2 weeks later they call to tell me that my X-ray was clear. I. Went. Off. I ended up having to go to the ER 2 days after the doctor visit because I could no longer breathe, it was so painful. How is it possible that my x ray was clear??? Then another week goes by and the assistant calls to tell me that I do have pneumonia and a prescription has been sent in. I just hung up and filed complaints with everyone I could. That office was a hot mess.
I go in 2 months and cannot wait. I feel like my mind is in a fog and it’s only getting worse as I get older.
Lmao keep your mouth shut then instead of spreading misinformation.