Per their own releases, they includes October’s AOSP security patches.
This is pretty good, but still behind GrapheneOS in terms of security.
(I did a quick search, so I could be wrong)
Edit: Oct patches were included on a release from 1 week ago
Per their own releases, they includes October’s AOSP security patches.
This is pretty good, but still behind GrapheneOS in terms of security.
(I did a quick search, so I could be wrong)
Edit: Oct patches were included on a release from 1 week ago
Which fuse? And links to a guide?
USB C to AUX adapters work for me.
Having a secure and up to date device should likely be more important
Yes. Many security updates come from upstream AOSP and then are put into GOS.
So when a device has stopped getting AOSP updates, it is unreasonable for GOS to continue support it. They can and I believe they have applied more critical security patches to just barely EOL devices, but this isn’t promised or expected. This is for googles support. GOS may support a specific device a little longer than google but does not promise to and recomends getting a newer device.
Pixel 8a looks real good right now.
Files won’t change and are hundreds of GBs
Yup! Just got it installed on my pi. Still gotta wire it in. Any documentation to help? I haven’t found out which controller I have yet.
I can see the data on windows, but not on linux
root@skynet:~# ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sda1
Mounting volume... NTFS signature is missing.
Attempting to correct errors... NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument
NTFS signature is missing.
Trying the alternate boot sector
Unrecoverable error
Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.
root@skynet:~# ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sda2
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
Going to un-mark the bad clusters ($BadClus)... No bad clusters...OK
NTFS partition /dev/sda2 was processed successfully.
turned off windows quick start
ran chkdks D:
and waited…then shut down and put drive back into linux and reboot.
still no
any ideas? clearly not the larger partition, which is good.
Hmm okay. I’ve got ZigBee, maybe I’ll start with z-wave too
Ah cool. Yea asking for something as simple as the flipper is basically impossible with my setup.
Any recommendations? Ideally for SIMs/radios that work on Linux
No adblocker built in, but Rethink DNS is a great app that will set up a local VPN and do firewall filtering and DNS filtering. There are other apps too and they should all work on any OS.
Personally I self host a VPN and pihole and stay connected to that
Grapheneos can be used almost identically to stock android. You can install google apps and use them or not. The biggest piece of it is the options.
There is no account associated to GOS. You can login to an existing google account etc, just like any android.
GOS has messages for SMS only. It had a Gallery app for photos and a files app for system files. There aren’t many apps it comes with, so getting alternative apps is easy. Mostly via Fdroid (or droidify for a more modern looking app). For a better photos app, I recommend “Aves” For a drive app, a private option would be proton drive. Notes app can be anything you want, but GOS doesn’t come with one. If you want to use google notes you can. I wouldn’t recommend it, but you can. There are lots on Fdroid to choose from.
As for cloud sync, GOS doesn’t do this, but again, you can use any other service you’d normally use to sync. I use Syncthing to sync a folder on my phone to a folder on my PC. That way I can have things like my photos easily on desktop and have backups.
As for app stores, GOS doesn’t recommend Aurora because they don’t sign the apps the provide, but I use it anyways, as it is the best way to get apps without a google account.
You definitely don’t need your own Nextcloud or Homelab. I prefer paying for hardware I own instead of cloud things, but both have good positives.
Also, your questions aren’t stupid their great! You’re just learning about this stuff that that’s amazing. Keep learning.
Little curl shell script that works:
# CSV file containing websites
# Get a random line from the CSV file
RANDOM_LINE=$(shuf -n 1 "$CSV_FILE")
# Extract the website URL from the random line
WEBSITE=$(echo $RANDOM_LINE | cut -d ',' -f 1)
# Make a curl request to the random website every minute
while true; do
sleep 60
# Get a new random line from the CSV file
RANDOM_LINE=$(shuf -n 1 "$CSV_FILE")
# Extract the website URL from the new random line
NEW_WEBSITE=$(echo $RANDOM_LINE | cut -d ',' -f 1)
# Update the website URL for the next iteration
That’s a good idea.
Probably just a shell script. Someone mentioned using curl so that’d be pretty easy
Got flip phone recommendations?