I am always fascinated by the magnitudes nasa overengineers their missions. The Mars rovers for example. They always get so much more out of it.
I am always fascinated by the magnitudes nasa overengineers their missions. The Mars rovers for example. They always get so much more out of it.
Finally a real world manual.
Plug your USB in and spam that key while turning on your PC.
I guess it’s good if a photo of one never appears with “fig. n” as a caption.
Ich bin mir bei ihm nicht sicher, ob er sowas wirklich ernst meint und in seiner kleinen, eigenen Welt lebt oder ob er schon an dem Punkt angekommen ist, an dem ihm alles egal ist und er nur noch aus Spaß in der Politik ist und Realsatire lebt.
With a class name as vague as that you would have to add tons of information into the variable name.
Technically they did exactly that.
Besides that this was actually funny, I wish I could get my time back for filling out any official forms and documents. Could take a nice long vacation in that time…
Thank you, that was a good and interesting start of the day
Production error nightmares, PEN. Seriously, sometimes, after working on a problem for a long time, even if rigorous testing in multiple testing environments by different people was involved, these still happen.
Technically correct
Honest question because I don’t know anything about zwarte piet. Why is this racist?
I think the X-Series did this really well
Die Pobacken-Hosen der Kuhjungen aus Amerika passen ganz hervorragend dazu
Muss ich mich noch dran gewöhnen, ich war erst entsetzt, wie viel Aufwand jemand in ein MaiMai investiert, bis es Klick machte.
Looks way better in resin but PLA is nice as well https://feddit.de/comment/3378777
Oh yes! Made a few of these myself!
Thank you, that definitely shines a new light on things he says and does.
Pardon my ignorance but who was his grandfather?
Like rouennaise sauce?