Bu-but muh free games, tho?
- Dimwits, probably
Worse is, that Epics Spyware finds its way onto Steam releases as well with their online services… And don’t get me started on other cancer like mod.io
Bu-but muh free games, tho?
Worse is, that Epics Spyware finds its way onto Steam releases as well with their online services… And don’t get me started on other cancer like mod.io
BILD halt…
Was soll aber an “Jeder, der hier lebt soll Deutsch sprechen” so falsch und populistisch sein? Amtssprache in DE ist nunmal Deutsch. Nicht Französisch, nicht Polnisch, noch Türkisch. Man darf schon erwarten, dass man die Landessprache beherrscht, erst recht wenn man plant zu bleiben. Muss ja nicht perfekt sein.
Die restlichen Punkte sind halt normales BILD Gelaber. Da kann sich jeder über mindestens einen Punkt aufregen. Der ideale Click- und Ragebait sozusagen.
Ich fühle mich dreckig und ich muss jetzt meinen Browser desifizieren… aber hier wäre der BILD-Artikel mit dem Manifest.
Und noch auf archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20231029085314/https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/deutschland-wir-haben-ein-problem-hier-lesen-sie-das-bild-manifest-85895408.bild.html
If the power networks are connected, you sometimes have surprisingly little control over it, tbh.
That’s true. I wonder how those statistics are made, where they say how many % of imports are from what resource, that I have seen floating around. Could be estimates, I guess?
There are hurdles with going 100% green, no doubt about that. Like you said, the infrastructure has to accommodate for changing output and all that. Sweden does it right and the Swedes can be proud of themselves.
Other nations still have to follow Swedens lead. Quite a few countries just took down their nuclear reactors without having a plan how to compensate the lost energy. Switzerland itself could claim a respectable renewable electricity mix with all our water pumping plants. But we still import like 70% from abroad, a lot from France and Germany. The latter beeing quite the “smoker”.
I hope you see my point a bit. I’ m just fed up with that “Look, we are so green!” narrative, because they only show the statistics in their national borders. Sweden was just a poorly chosen example on my part.
I call greenwashing on those “statistics”. According to IRENA, Sweden had around a quarter of their electricity from fossil fuels. The document is from 2020, but I don’t think it changed this much in three years. A very good step in the right direction, but we have to keep it real. Creating 100% renewable energy is awesome, but having to import a lot of dirty energy from abroad isn’t really helping much on the global scale.
I’d be glad, if any Swede could debunk me, if I interpreted this document falsely. The document on my home country Switzerland was pretty spot on, so I assume it is correct for other nations as well.
Du gibst dir die Antwort bereits selbst: Geld. Die Politiker sind so gierig geworden, dass sie alles andere ausblenden. Es gibt für Korruption und ehrlich gesagt Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit aber auch null Konsequenzen.
Die Politiker denken von Wand zur Tapete was die Gesetze für Auswirkung haben werden. All die Gesetze die da oben gesponnen werden, wären der feuchte Traum schlechthin für NSDAP und Stasi gewesen. Wir können nur hoffen, dass der EuGH nie von Korruption unterwandert wird. Auf die Bevölkerung wird ja schon lange nicht mehr gehört…
Considering how the main line games are doing — no. Our only hopes are Spike Chunsoft with Mystery Dungeon now. I hope they don’t mess it up if they get to have another go at it.
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said I’m opposed to mod support across platforms. In fact, I wish that more games would do this. I looked into mod.io for a bit and have to apologise, though. It seems I fell for the privacy concern myth, if you can call it that.
I still oppose some implementations of it. The game “Ready or Not” especially is atrocious with its mod.io implementation. You can only install + enable, or uninstall mods there. No disable option what so ever. Really fun with mods that are multiple GB in size, like maps.