It was yes. Still I dont think the captain was super happy about it.
It was yes. Still I dont think the captain was super happy about it.
He drowns Porthos in one episode
The crux is that a first-past-the-post voting system incentivizes voting for one of the two big parties. Voting third party is equivalent to voting against your preference of the top two. There’s a bunch of really neat voting systems that avoid this problem handily.
By far most ink cartridges come without heads. The heads are mounted in the printer itself. Even if the head is on the cartridge the controller can still be in the printer.
I feel like most people would agree she’s a terrible person. Makes for a great character in a tv show though because she shakes things up.
They make little pillows filled with seeds or cherry pits. You can microwave 'em to get them hot. Love those things. Would recommend the seed filled ones over the cherry pit ones. The cherry pits feel coarse.
If it’s in our own home, it’ll show back up eventually,
You’d think so, but I’m still looking for those shoes I lost 10 years ago during a school break. I basically spent the whole break indoors and so lost track of my shoes. They MUST be inside somewhere, but fuck me if I can figure out where.
Just replace them as soon as you notice the surface is broken.
So like twice a month?
I feel like Sisko is a much worse offender tbh. Whoever played Jake just did too good a job of immitating Sisko.
I mean you can just run gold t-shirt foil through a plotter and get pretty much that exact effect. It’d still be a massive pain in the arse to get the waste removed and the pattern applied, but nothing that’s outside the realm of capability for cosplayers.
I mean his nose is perfectly accessible so it only makes sense to.
Measuring by units would be WAY more skewed. The top 10 would all be free items, or if you exclude those $0.01 items. Measuring gross revenue is much harder to game unless you count “actually selling $500 hardware a lot” as cheating somehow.
I mean in a regular surgery anything below waist level or so is already considered non-sterile, So I think the risk of doctors accidentally dipping their hands in the swamp water is pretty low :P
The doctor being so upset about it makes it all the funnier.
How hard could remodeling a bathroom be anyway?
narrative driven games work a LOT better for me for that reason. I’ve played through the entire halo master chief collection and titanfall 2 campaign without much issue. Never got very far in factorio on the other hand.
Honestly every other day is still a LOT. Shampoo your hair when it gets greasy, no sooner. The grease glands on your head will calm the fuck down after a while.