I was looking for this comment! I swear it’s quite useful and not just feeding my self-hosting habit!
I was looking for this comment! I swear it’s quite useful and not just feeding my self-hosting habit!
Not what he said.
His words about the Gail Slater nomination specifically were.
Great pick by @realDonaldTrump. 10 years ago, Republicans were the party of big business and Dems stood for the little guys, but today the tables have completely turned. People forget that the current antitrust actions against Big Tech were started under the first Trump admin.
I disagree with Yen here, but characterizing that statement as “republicans are the right choice for their policies and democrats are not,” seems like a real stretch.
Ok, but that is explicitly not the person or position Andy commented on.
This is also a lie. He did not promote the Republican Party. Words mean something, quit making shit up.
Not even a little in this situation. Maybe take your head out of your ass and stop spreading lies. He literally addressed this head on.
His reply in text form:
It’s the year I was born, and also a lucky number in Taiwan where I am from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_(number)#%3A~%3Atext=Number+88+symbolizes+fortune+and%2Csupermarkets+often+contain+many+8s.
Text, photos, CT scans, stats, testing, graphs, etc. Still a work in progress, but it’s come a long way.
I’ve used syncthing for this, and personally found it to work really well.
I’ve heard Taildrop (Tailscale feature), works pretty good too.
So basically it’s not something she’s ever said, but you’re assuming that she holds the exact beliefs of Scientology. This in spite of the fact she was reportedly raised by a Scientologist, yet is openly gay in contradiction to their teachings. Not to mention her songwriting for Dead Sara, which would indicate other beliefs.
For all we know she left years ago and doesn’t ascribe to any of it. It’s extremely hard to know, and personally I’d like to have some real proof before launching a “righteous” crusade against her.
Honestly give it a minute for the emotions of it all to settle down. Best I can tell this is an out of control internet rage machine, with very little factual information to back up the claims so far. She’s a world class vocalist who’s a relative unknown for most people, and all we’re currently getting is wild and unproven accusations based on hearsay.
Can you point to where she said that she doesn’t “believe in” mental illness?
Most of the accusations being thrown around are tenuous and unproven as far as I can tell. I’m tired of the hate-train circle jerk. People need to back up their statements with facts and evidence, not hearsay.
I’ve been loosely following Emily Armstrong and Dead Sara for a decade or more, and I was so stoked to see join Linkin Park. I swear people just want to be mad these days. If she did shitty things that sucks, but this purity test nonsense has got to stop. Receipts or STFU.
Would Proton Bridge fit your needs?
As you can see, they hired an outside legal firm to declare that they did nothing wrong in enabling said sexual harassment because there wasn’t a paper trail, despite them admitting that the victim was told to talk it out with the abuser.
You are assuming intent, and ignoring the false statements made. What I see is them hiring a third party to do an investigation, exactly what the public called for. Would you rather the former employee pay for it?
They followed up by threatening the victim with a lawsuit for continuing to speak out.
There was no threat, only a statement of fact that the evidence was strong enough for a defamation case, and that they did not wish do go down that path.
Can you articulate why you don’t trust Proton? From everything I know, they have a stellar reputation and have been around since 2013 with no end in sight.
My knowledge here isn’t perfect, but I learned a lot from this discussion on the Privacy Guides forum.
You might find this chart to be helpful as well.
DivestOS is the only privacy focused OS in that list.
LineageOS’ goal is extend software support for Android phones, and /e/OS is designed for the Fair Phone. Privacy isn’t the goal, and LineageOS still phones home to Google for most things.
Oh yeah, to be clear not everyone with ADHD responds well to every stimulant, or stimulants in general. It’s even more complicated if you have a co-morbid condition such as bipolar type II. They can make bipolar symptoms worse, and trigger a manic episodes.
They’re being downvoted because their statement is provably false.
…people with ADHD who take these medications as prescribed are lesslikely than their untreated counterparts to drink or abuse drugs.
I’d personally go the route of getting a new phone number and a new email address.
If she needs for people to be able to reach her at her current number, I’d restrict it to people in her contacts
Even if you manage to pull the information from people search websites, her info is still out there. I’d also avoid giving out the new phone and email as much as possible.
It supports using a self-hosted LLM, and it’s used for automating tags. It’s not really generative AI, and you don’t need to send your data to the cloud.