Could this be the fabled BloodNinja?
Could this be the fabled BloodNinja?
I leik em too.
It’s free candy day, so yea.
Guessing it wasn’t directed towards octolings.
I think the problem would be getting everyone’s 3 hours to line up.
Could you provide some details about this problem as you see it ?
Boneium, duh.
I had a Debian PC for a while, it was more of a project. IT work still revolved around Windows back then. Later I discovered Puppy Linux and ran that on a live USB. I encrypted the hard drive in my work laptop and never had to worry about anything making from the USB to my work data. Not a bad way to live, only had to carry around one laptop when I traveled for work.
This is funny, my son works at a printing place that prints, among other things, checks. And they apparently make a LOT of checks. He’s 25 and was confused why so many people need checks.
I wonder where the designer got their inspiration?
Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone, it would’ve been her.
This is incredibly accurate.
I am sad that I can only upvote this once. Well done.
I didn’t know your dad worked here.
Yea. I miss those days.
Interesting idea, but I think it would suffer from being too weak structurally to be of much use. Each consecutive size would have to slide in and out and that design would cause trouble with maintaining rigidity.
However, if you would find one let me know. I would likely buy it too.
The always jacked up Mickey Mouse and SpongeBob ice creams from the ice cream truck.
I believe Memmy looks that way. I have been use Voyager to scratch that Apollo itch.
I will never not upvote this response when I see it.