Well boy are you alive at the right time!
Well boy are you alive at the right time!
Much more reasonable, good for you!
What are your specs?
Not the original commenter but I’d wager similarly that yes, the vast majority of the American people are far too comfortable to venture into the “inconvenience” of an actual war. Gripe about it from our couches? Yep. Lift a finger to bring about actual change (and no, signing an online petition doesn’t count) in the face of real, actual, severe consequence? …nah.
As you do
Digital Cinema Package; basically the movie file you’re watching when you’re in a movie theater.
That’s some RFC 2549 logic, right there.
And now D4 is copying that crafting system over in an attempt to salvage their own game.
The only reason I stomached all the bs of Overwatch 2 was for the promise of PvE. As soon as they announced they weren’t doing that anymore I uninstalled the game. The fact they squeezed out some half-assed story missions for a price was just the final nail in the coffin. It’s sad bc I loved OW1, but this game has become nothing more than a soulless money vaccuum.
Not to mention it needs a security update. Gotta figure out a way to encrypt those pigeons!
You just need 9 more PCs with the same motherboard on em!
From BNL,
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of taking off my shirt
I knew what it was going to be and I still clicked it, you sonnova…
I collected Marvel cards back in the 90s and I’m pretty sure I have at least a few that are official “collectors items” now. I’ve never looked into it very thoroughly since I just kept them in baseball card pages with no other particular protection from the climate, etc, but who knows?
I’m a die-hard AC fan, but typically only play through the game/story once and then put it on the shelf. This year, I picked up the UbiWhatever subscription at $15/mo, played through AC Mirage in a couple of weeks, and dropped the subscription. It’s even better than waiting for a sale!
If I say “no,” does that mean yes?
I am the terror that flaps in the night…
Not OP, but pretty sure JP = Justice of the Peace
Hey man, are you ok? Do you want to talk about anything?