Awful woman
Awful woman
My local nextdoor has an issue with non white people in vans. Like normal builders eating their lunch and Sharon down the road is posting “Anyone know why this man is here? Stayed there for 45 minutes, very suspicious, might be stealing dogs”.
I absolutely agree. I did however listen to the audio of him gloating over the attack on Nancy Pelosi and her husband and it made me sick. I could never celebrate violence but I have a little less anger for those who are striking out at Trump.
You can add lots of toys and treats to keep them amused. Remember at a rescue place each cat has much less space than a room, sometimes a glorified box. It would be really sad if you have to send them back, but I will say I’ve adopted a lot of adult cats and it’s never happened to me. There’s a chance, but I think it’s fairly low.
Have you considered fostering for a rescue? That way you can save a cat and you can get a better idea how your cat will react.
Most cats do like company if introduced very slowly. Like over a couple of months. If it was me I’d probably try it.
It’s basically impossible to know without more information. This is a nice article I found that seems to take you over the possibilities - https://titantreeaz.com/blog/why-is-sap-oozing-from-my-trees-trunk
Next year. It’s already flowering so it’s too late for this year. It will vary depending on where you are but I’d say maybe late feb?
I think you might be right that it isn’t in great health but I do think the overpruning is part of it. There just won’t be enough leaves to support that big thick trunk. I think adding nutrients might really help but I don’t want to recommend any as it’s not something I’ve had to do myself.
That looks over pruned to me, There’s barely any flowering branches vs the trunk and that leads to less leaves to support the tree.
Look at this tree
You can see that it’s an even shape, and clearly cared for, but it has a massive canopy vs trunk. It’s not the same species but it’s an example of the balance.
This video is quite a severe prune and you can see that he hasn’t really taken a lot.
Leave it alone for now and then go for it in early spring.
However, if it’s so heavily pruned because you’re just taking off dead bits then it’s not a very healthy tree and I’d look at that first. I definitely water mine in the height of summer, which is an easy change to make, but it might need more.
Good to hear. Currently fostering yet another dog with tracheal collapse and I’m on a mission :D
You may already know this, but chihuahuas shouldn’t have a lead attached to their collar, their trachea is too weak.
Yes sorry, I was referring to the ban, not the stopping of it.
I hope this is succesful. I can’t believe that they happily banned a country for an illegal invasion but can’t ban another one for an actual genocide.
There’s enough people boycotting it that it’s in their interests to do it too.
Also you can’t expose them to water or direct sunlight or they die.
Is gambling investing in a company?
Honestly, anyone playing such “get rich quick” investing games with crypto needs to be honest with themselves that maybe they’ve got a gambling problem.
Gambling is what it is. Putting your life savings in it is stupid, but if you put a bit in, it’s a better gamble than putting it on the horses.
I hear bands like Linkin Park referred to as classic rock quite a bit and that’s early 2000’s. I cringe every time someone says it.
I meant more like lizards, hedgehogs, frogs, but yeah, cats too.
I think they’re a good diet to some insectivores.
Maggots are the things that breakdown dead stuff, without them you’d have dead animals and plants rotting on the ground for ages while the bacteria breaks them down slowly. I think the whole world would smell worse.
While this is an interesting article, I feel like in the current state of twitter Alt right accounts are promoted whatever you like. When I was on it I followed feminist type pages, local news, some left wing comedians, I was still frequently offered Andrew Tate and the like.