All lives matter was a racist dog whistle. Both sides are bad is just the sad state of politics where neither major parties actually care about the people.
All lives matter was a racist dog whistle. Both sides are bad is just the sad state of politics where neither major parties actually care about the people.
Seeing Ape Escape brings back so many happy memories
Based and Lemmy pilled
Eeeehhh it’s about on par
Pretty most of the people i know who work in IT are all just using Defender now, i have even stopped paying for AV and just use defender out of the box. Unless you are doing something that exposes you to risk there really is no use to use anything other than defender. In saying that enterprise or businesses environment i would still say 100% have something other than defender in place.
Not with us, after 4pm is our peak usage sun won’t be up for much longer
How can we shift our peak power use when no one is there to use it?. Again we did all the math even with the company and we all came to the same figure. If we did solar only then the system would cost us more in the long term as we still need to draw power during our peak usage. Battery was the only way to make it viable.
Nope that’s literally the only way you can make solar viable here. We get no credits or anything for the excess power we generate and we use hardly any power during the day. So literally any excess power the panels generate goes to waste. And if we go to a smaller unit the money we save is negligible again
Yeah we get nothing from any excess power generation that goes back into the grid. It used to be worth it years and years ago but they stopped because it was costing the energy generators too much.
95% of what we generate during the goes to the battery and once fully charged we can go days without needing to recharge it
That’s the thing, without the Battery it’s not cost effective, we’ll pay more for the system then it would recover. Our peak usage is at night when the sun is not there.
6.2kwh solar panels 14kwh battery
its still costing me 30k AUD to put in a decent solar and battery system, i mean prices have come down but they are still well beyond what is affordable by the avg person.
US: “yes let’s give all these Nazis jobs so then those pesky Russians don’t get them”
I’d like things that won’t happen for 100