For a real “first time” user the only suggestion I’d add to this A+ advice is to pick up a cheap set of chisels (&/or carving set). Cheap as in lowest price, quality isn’t really critical at this moment. (Harbor Freight, Amazon, etc). This way you can practice sharpening, grind a new base bevel angle, then try wet sanding on glass. You can explore processes & develop your own preferred methods all while having zero worries about messing up your expensive $ quality metal. This is prolly even more appropriate if your aspirations include carving & whittling blades because there are so many different types - unlike the general similarity found from one chisel to the next with only the blade width being different. TLDR: the advantage of having a sacrificial set of chisels/knives stems from being able to continually practice as often as desired & gaining muscle memory etc. thru repetition vs the inexperience resulting from infrequent opportunities coupled with the stress of not wanting to mess up new expensive metal.
After reading the “issues” discussion from w weeks ago, this is just an idea at this point. The simplemobiletools fork was a mock up for something that sounds like its very much in the planning/ideas stage. you can also go to to see another mock up that does nothing right now. You could message one of them, but I think maybe its some MIT software team / group & their just tossing ideas around for a foss hub of sorts.