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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Yeah, I’ve run into this before as well. I had a post I made in the standard notes community about a sale get down voted…

    I made another post asking what happened and that’s how I found out it was down voted by a bunch of people that weren’t even part of the community because “it looked like an ad on their feed.”

    I also had some user error on my part when I added the Zed RSS feed to Auto Post Bot without taking enough precautions to make sure it wasn’t going to post ancient stuff… Got some pretty heavy down votes presumably because it took about a page and a half of the “all” feed. I cleaned things up within 15 minutes, but it was definitely like “man, can I just not deal with people that aren’t even community members?”

    Don’t get me wrong their frustration was valid, I screwed up, but also… I just don’t understand browsing all.

  • Those “turn X off” buttons are fine; they’re great actually, that’s exactly what I’m advocating for (at least in the in game portion of things). There should be more of that, and they should be standard options.

    e.g. it took Quake Champions years before they finally decided to add a mute chat button … and when I suggested it almost a year before they implemented it, the discord chat lit into me “get tougher skin”, “lolololol”, etc kind of comments.

    Every time it’s brought up people take it personally like it’s their right to be a dick in the game you both paid for… just because developers didn’t implement an option to allow people to shut them up. Even here there are some pretty obnoxious takes (I’m not talking about yours) insisting I just need to get over it because “it’s just a game.”

    I’m not saying anybody should be prevented from having a competitive rage baiting game where they trash talk left and right … but some people do not enjoy trash talk regardless of whether or not they can “handle it” and I am one of those people.

    Edit: For forums, I think non-constructive criticism/disrespectful comments/personal attacks should be “punished” by disabling forum/comment access though. There’s no benefit to “mind games” or “trash talk” there… if you don’t have anything constructive to say… I don’t think you should be on, e.g., a suggestion forum. It’s not helping the poster or the developers, it’s just outright spam.

  • I’m not sure I even regard this as a developer studios responsibility.

    I mean, they’re the ones running the servers and ultimately providing admittance. There always going to be “bad people” unless owners of establishments actually exclude them (or as I’ve suggested – since this is an imaginary world – just take away their ability to be a jerk in said world).

    Change what is in your control: Play in a good state of mind where this stuff does not get to you (not when you’re tired after work). Turn off voice comms. Don’t let it get to you. Worst thing you can do to a troll is ignore them.

    Definitely good advice. Part of it is genuinely just friends too though. Like this isn’t “my friend”, this is my friend (though that’s not to say I enjoy this crap either)… and sometimes it’s hard to gage their mental state, or even though they’re in a bad mood, I’d really like to do something more challenging … and of course they get t-bagged or abused on comms … and then everybody is having a bad time.

    I wish I had access to these game’s source code… then the whole thing would be in my control ☺️

  • … and to be clear, I think that’s okay.

    But, I don’t think those that want a multiplayer shooter (or game in general) to be a mind game should be able to force that on everyone else. I just want my games to be games.

    Like, even if it changed how match making worked, I’d personally prefer to just avoid that stuff entirely. I can “deal” with it, it’s just not fun/annoying to me.

    Ultimately, I think just being able to visually “disable t-bagging” and “disable emotes” while dead as options in major shooters would be fairly easy to implement options.

    For the people who don’t want “that experience” they can just … turn it off.

    For the people that do, they never need to know whether it’s on or off… just like they don’t know if I have a profanity filter on… or if I’ve got voice coms muted… etc