Is it ads?
edit: It is ads.
I claim the Isle of Wight.
I only purchased this toothbrush because that was the only way to get the water-resistant Corporate Surveillance Device that I wanted for the bathroom.
Is it because humans treat black- and white- sounding names differently?
Edit: It’s because humans treat black- and white- sounding names differently.
Schrodinger’s rhetorical question is when you decide whether your question was rhetorical or not based on people’s reaction to it.
Oh man I didn’t realize this comm existed when I made Non-Trivial AI. You mind if I cross-post?
“Tools for moderating IMAGES now?! When will you beehawists stop with the entitlement?!?!” -lemmy devs, probably
If I understand correctly, a gerund is the noun form of a verb- a verb turned into a noun. “A building is building” the first building is a noun, it is the thing being built. The second is a verb, the act of being built. Google tells me gerunds are supposed to end in -ing, but “reddit is an enshittifying” doesn’t quite sound right, so I used an adjective form. It’s very possible I don’t understand correctly.
I think enshittification can be a gerund too, like building.
“Reddit is an enshittification.”
Some police in america get 750. Others are merely elected to sheriff as a political appointment.
edit: This very silly and also somehow serious video
This guy is both sidesing, therefore his argument is invalid./s
neato. Cool project.
So are the vertical cutoffs either side the result of string length, or what’s going on with that?
I didn’t have “Still, there are other alternative OS out there you could look for.” in the initial draft but even then, 6/23 is a fuckin ratio for “get a different os or get rid of google”
they hadn’t said what kind of phone they had before I mentioned it, and i already said I forgot only pixel was supported atm. you’re taking me in bad faith, and i dont appreciate it.
Relax: Calm down, chill bro.
you’ll be pleased to know yours is a very reasonable opinion to have and you’re right for having it, too.