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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think the point of it is more to explain to people who think the spectrum means this side is NT and this side is “severe” autism, and the spectrum is anything in between. For a while I thought this was what it meant too.

    So I like that this explains to people who think that, that the spectrum doesn’t work that way.

    I think of the spectrum more as a circular rainbow, and you can occupy a bit from this side, maybe a larger segment from that part, maybe a bit more over there.

    Maybe defining the autism spectrum is as complex as defining a neurotypical spectrum 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • She said she got tested and she wasn’t (she said she has an ADHD diagnosis).

    It’s not so much whether she’s ND, it was the way she invalidated the autistic community’s struggles with that dumb take. You can’t bully people and then try to excuse it by saying, we’re all on the spectrum, I was just playing.

    Relevant part at 16mins.

    B**** literally traumatises people by forcing their phobia on them, humiliates people on air, forces people to disclose pregnancies, and that’s just the stuff we’ve seen in public. That’s not autism, that’s sadism. No contrition, no admission that she was in the wrong. And her trying to get an autism diagnosis to excuse that really ticks me off.

  • Gosh, yes, it’s annoying. I’d be constantly getting people telling me to cheer up. Once a lady on the bus to school gave me a looooong pep talk about how I’m so pretty and if anyone picks on me it’s because they’re jealous, and I was like, whaaa? I can only assume I looked really sad, but I was probably just thinking about a video game or Formula 1 😅

    As I got older, my resting sad face turned to resting angry face. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Also I have to say, strangers telling you to cheer up can just eff right off, especially when they follow it up with “it’s not that bad”. They can naff right off with that, how presumptive to think they know what’s going on in my life.

  • The high ground was just a ruse. Obi Wan has the advantage on the low ground. Vs Maul and Grievous, he attacked from below. Taunting Anakin about the high ground was just to make Anakin try to get the high ground so Obi Wan could attack from below. Which he did.

    Attacking from the low ground in melee combat is advantageous as you can just go for the ankles, as my niece figured out very early on when we used to play lightsaber battles. She’d insist I stand on the bed, and she’d slice off my ankles, it’s over, Auntikin, I have the low ground, haha.

  • I thought Luke and Nellith were meant to team up to fight Vader? And that the original was meant to span over about 8 episodes (ROTJ was meant to be just about the rescue of Han) but then Lucas went through the divorce and just wanted to wrap the series up, so he retconned Leia to be the sister.

    I wish we could have had the “Luke searches for and trains his sister” arc.

  • Most of the big names in the flerf community are grifters, for sure. But many of the people who follow them are genuine believers. I have a relative who’s a die-hard flerfer.

    Sheeps and Neeps was a small time flerfer who literally died because his conspiracy theory beliefs about cancer treatment, and there was that guy who went up in a rocket and came down in pieces. So some of them really do believe it. In my relative’s case, he went through a lot of trauma, flerfers give him a sense of belonging and something to hold onto.

  • My fella found this talk useful. He used to smoke the mild stuff (low THC), but it’s the cigarettes he’s been struggling with. He’s on his third attempt, but after using the technique (TL;DW: your brain doesn’t understand negative commands, replace it with a positive command. Instead of “I need a joint”, try “I need air” or “I need clarity” or whatever feeling you’re aiming for) he’s feeling a lot more positive that he’ll stick with it this time. I tried to get him to read the Allen Carr stuff, but he’s not much of a reader. Other people swear by it though. It’s available on a certain library beginning with z if you want to give it a taster. Also learning a new skill can give you the same dopamine hit that your addiction does, so take up a hobby, learn a language, etc.

    Good luck!