That’s exactly what a BOT would say!!
That’s exactly what a BOT would say!!
After 24 hours of 18.1…. Siri still kinda sucks. Bummer.
The internet can be extra silly sometimes lol
I would but I’m getting the 16 pro when it comes out so not worth the effort.
I got mine replaced due to the sides peeling as well (covered under warranty) and the replacement is now peeling after only a few months. Hopefully whatever is next is a little more durable - even the leather cases the last few years lacked in that area.
No, I returned the regular ones and got AirPod pros, using the regular size tips that come with them and they’re fine for the most part.
Are they going to change them back to the original size, or will they still be Shrek sized?
This is about the pajama shirt post, isn’t it?
Anyone else used to play coc and read this as Reddit Clan System?
Some people like to give more than just two little tiddlywinks of cum when they give someone a facial.
You’re welcome.
I did not. I went to one of their “approved” shops and they paid them directly.
How do you file a complaint? I had frame swap that cost almost 20k a couple years ago after getting rear ended and my insurance said the diminished value was only 60 bucks. I never even cashed the check I was so pissed.
Backyard fireworks, yes. Professionally done fireworks at a planned place and time, no.
Professionally done fireworks are usually pretty amazing and fun to watch. They usually happen right around 9pm and last 15-30 minutes.
Backyard fireworks in dense neighborhoods are pretty fucking lame. One mortar every 30 seconds is not the spectacle you think it is. And it typically goes on for hours in my neighborhood. It terrifies dogs and is completely unpredictable. Maybe if everyone agreed to light everything they had between 9 and 9:30 it would be more impressive and less annoying, but that’ll never happen because “muh freedom” or something lol
I didn’t make the shortcut, so I don’t know. But I convert to jpeg by default on my work phone because HEIC won’t open on my work computer.
If you have an iPhone you could make a basic shortcut to do that.
Make sure to uncheck “Preserve Metadata.”
You don’t need an Apple Music subscription to listen to music you own.