Very weird indeed. If you have a pixel, do you have the VPN enabled? I had some issues with connectivity when using their VPN.
Very weird indeed. If you have a pixel, do you have the VPN enabled? I had some issues with connectivity when using their VPN.
I’ve been having some weird issues connecting to Lemmy.World in my browser since yesterday… Wonder if there’s any relation?
I think Endless Legend, also made my the Humankind devs Amplitude, was the first to introduce districts. Granted, the bones of 4x games, in general, are based on Civilization 1, at the very least.
I wish they took the neolithic era from Humankind. That’s such a cool super early game element to the game rather than ‘settle your first city ASAP or you’re screwed’.
A parasite, you say?
I can see it looking like that, but I’m pretty sure it’s because BD-1, the little mini droid you run around with, is up on his shoulder obscuring part of the arm/hand area.
Working through another playthrough of Valheim with my wife and a couple friends. Ashlands dropped somewhat recently and we’ve made it a habit to do a fresh server/playthrough when new content drops and we just very very recently got to where we’re ready to go to the southern tip of the world and fight in some Viking purgatory hell action.
I preferred 1 to 2. In 2 the enemies start to get rather spongey with their life and that sucked a lot of the enjoyment out of it for me. From a character choice perspective, I also greatly preferred Lilith as the Siren.
Thank you!
If you can stand a bit more, the show does become a lot more than what those first few episodes imply.
My kids termed that cinnamon bunning. :D
Season 0 has some stress to it but overall I felt like it was a great and smooth send off for the Pandemic Legacies. Season 1 was excellent as the first if you’ve played the standard or expansions of the standard game, it starts from that base familiarity and does a great job introducing the legacy concepts. Season 2… It just starts weird and gets fucking crazy from there. I enjoyed it probably the most of the three. It was pretty white knuckle in many of the months. We started logging both the hero deck and the infection deck and plotting our odds of when we would be pulling cards. It was deeply satisfying in a stressful way that most other board games don’t scratch. I’ve seen some people on the board games subreddit talk about how it was a push over and wasn’t difficult and I’m like did we play the same game? I didn’t feel like we are poor gamers and if anything those kinds of comments make me think of the Rimworld communities where people are saying the game just isn’t satisfying or challenging unless they’re playing naked brutality ice sheet with Randy random as the story teller.
Basically this is my long winded, unnecessary reply to you just to say yes, Season 2 is crazy!
I found the mind share that Apple enjoys makes this kind of inverted when things don’t run right on OSX or iOS whereas android is more in the Windows boat.
Give Trine 2 a shot. It’s three players, is very easy on the eyes, and is good for keeping stress relatively low. Since all three of you like games, playing games isn’t unnatural for you, but playing together is something that can potentially cause some stress between you. A game like Trine keeps that fairly low and is a good entry point that once you done with it, hopefully the experience was positive and you can move on to some other things together.
Is that…a Wii U in on the far right in the thumbnail?
Hell yes to Prydain but I’m not sure who would do it. I’m sure Disney associates it with their dark time in animation.
Hey dude, Colossal Order and Paradox gave them salmonella, how could you be so callous!
Also drives home the point the PS3 was insanely priced.