Kidneys rock! As long as they don’t stone, that is.
Kidneys rock! As long as they don’t stone, that is.
I’ve been honing my ability to add things I need to a list on my phone’s home page. I’ve been doing it for 7+ years now. If someone asks 3 years later, how much butter to use for belgian waffles that I made once, I’ll know it is the blue colored note, 5th line from top.
If I go to the store, I’ll still forget I have the list.
Get yourself a government funded (well, taxpayer funded) weather forecast page. Quite accurate forecasts for weather, rain, cloudiness (including simulated radar models). Also radar images for cloudiness and rain. And free historic data. Without ads.
But I guess that sounds too communism
I think you missed the “not” in my comment
Having to look in the fridge when searching for my phone is one of the things that is never not funny to my friends
How do you not forget that you even have the organiser?
I’d probably get addicted to them if I didn’t have ADHD and didn’t constantly forget they even exist
Jokes aside, it is an invaluable medication (not a cure) for those that it helps.
Nice write up. There is a guy that tried out how dangerous the microwaves are (tl:dr not very):
Short term effects seem to be none so far. I wouldn’t stick any part of myself into one, but his video is still quite hilarious
What are the specs?
Different character enforcement helps reduce the risk of simple dictionary attacks. Even the most common letter replacements multiply the complexity. But nothing beats a long randomized password with 2fa.
Gold’s value isn’t tied to its usefulness. Based on statista, less than 7% of global gold use is for “technology”. The rest of it goes to jewellery, investments and banks.
Yes, definitely, but it’s not bad for you
If you don’t drink bitter things regularly, then normal coffee tastes very bitter, especially if you are more sensitive to bitter taste.
I have a CO2 canister with a diy bottle cap. I use regular coke bottles for carbonating the water. It tastes good, but it is still destructive for your teeth.
Pure juice overall should be in A tier
Whole milk is S tier, skimmed milk is C tier.
I feel you, but the rest of the office be like
You know the next sentence, but you don’t understand the concept. You’re bored of the familiar text, so you skip a few sentences, find out they are completely foreign, go back, realize you forgot the context or to actually read so you end up re reading the whole paragraph. But this time, the effort to concentrate takes the soul out of your body. And that’s how you spend a full workday reading a one page document, while feeling burnt out.
And I’m not working again…
If it has been a bug for 20+ years, we can safely say it’s a feature for backwards compatibility.
Took 3 weeks of vacation around midsummer, then another two weeks at the end of the summer and I still need to use another week or it will expire.
We are allowed to carry over “only” a month and a week worth of PTO.