I have been watching Sayonara Zetsubou sensei lately. Also Pani Poni Dash! is an interesting watch.
Cuteness enjoyer.
I have been watching Sayonara Zetsubou sensei lately. Also Pani Poni Dash! is an interesting watch.
Hidamari Sketch is very underrated and is much less well known than it’s contemporaries like Lucky Star, but it’s basically the comfiest thing ever. Any CGDCT/SOL could work for this (Nichijou, Yuyushiki, Kiniro Mozaiku, K-ON!, …) but I specifically chose shows with a slower tempo.
Man I used to do SketchUp all the time in middle/high school, so nostalgic.
Me realizing I will be gin-chan’s age not so far into the future (where did the time go):
Also don’t you dare be single if you are a day older than 25 in anime lol.
I’m not a thinkpad guy, but I thought one reason for people liking old thinkpads is that the old ones came with cpu’s that predate the intel management engine.
As a “sicko” (lol) I must say I don’t really futz around much if at all anymore. There are some differences but all in all I don’t think the Artix experience is much different from the regular Arch one.
Interesting, I never heard of setting your shell in the emulator config. I just used ‘chsh’ once when I setup the install.
The biggest difference will be between binary packages and packages that compile from source. Yes, big binary packages like browsers take longer but it really doesn’t take that long. You should be able to quit the compilation without problems. Only after the compilation is done will the package manager be invoked to install the resulting binary.
Vim uses these commands like di" (delete everything inside “”) instead of chords (holding multiple keys down at once). Both work fine. The reason vim does this is that many regard it as more ergonomic. You don’t stretch your hand/fingers out and you can keep your fingers at homerow. You might have heard about people getting an “Emacs Pinky”. It’s basically down to preference. I don’t use emacs but I know people use vim bindings in emacs (emacs is very scriptable after all). That way you can try or integrate vim like bindings without leaving your comfy emacs.
I use fish abbreviations. Unlike bash/zsh aliases, they expand when you press space or enter. This way you see the original command every time you use the alias, and you can edit as well. This should lighten the concern you have a bit. Your concern is something that sysadmins keep in mind e.g. default vim bindings so you are always comfortable on any server. However for desktop use I don’t think leaving the speed and comfort on table is worth it. Most desktop users only use their own systems anyway.
Over time your collection of aliases and scripts will grow to make common tasks you do easier.
Are universities automatically “elitist brain-rot” when they participate in rankings? When it comes to privilege, yes, rich kids that don’t deserve it are accepted into ivy league universities because of the connections they have. This is not a good thing obviously. Most researchers receive the privilege of working there because of their good research done at other universities. That is why they stay on top: a lot of excellent researchers want to join those universities. Obviously MIT has a very good standing when it comes to CS. The dick-measuring contest is but a small part of the university ecosystem. Also, neo-caste system is a quite strong. Most ivy league researchers are probably not rich or powerful. For that you have to look at our “friends” in the C-suite. I understand the sentiment, but I find “hate”, “elitist brain-rot” and “neo-caste system” way too strong.
It kinda sounds like some kind of driver issue to me. The fact that it doesn’t detect modes other than a single super basic one sound like not having a proper graphics driver. However, I have no clue why it would work again on reboot and maybe even more importantly, why the other monitor does have a proper mode detected. I wouldn’t expect that if the driver was messed (you would expect all monitors to be assigned some basic mode).
As I understand you take in some stream video akin to /dev/video0 and want to enlarge it so you can look at your monitor while playing? Whenever it is something with video ffmpeg can probably solve it. FFmpeg flags like -vf
also work on the video player, ffplay.
At the bottom they talk about choosing scaling algorithms, try some out to see what combination of quality and speed you get.
If google had a baby she would drop it on its head.
It is shown by non-systemd distros that systemd doesn’t really solve problems for desktop usage. When you switch away, not much changes basically. I sometimes hear that it is a different story on servers.
What about FZF? For example, I want to play a video file without digging through my files, I type fflpay and press ctrl-t which opens a fzf fuzzy finder. Type the incomplete name and select it. I would suggest this at least for the second example as running the wrong executable may get you in trouble. This is on the fish shell but I think other shells have similar possibilities. I also use this ctrl-t thing in combination with nvim or even cd.
You can call it low effort, but Lemmy is a “link aggregator”. Even just sharing links has its value.
You are probably referring to Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou. There are a lot of SOL anime so I got to choose something. Personally I think it is pretty good but not as good as some other anime that I would recommend over it. As well as the fact that Bocchi the Rock has a mostly female cast so I unconsciously selected anime that are similar in that regard. If OP wants to try something with a large male cast this is the only anime I can think of that would be fitting so it’s good that you mention it.
I don’t know of any. I do like keyboard based workflows so I have VimiumC in firefox which does what you want. A tiling window manager is the solution for the desktop environment part. The tricky part is navigating existing GUI apps.
Because linux doesn’t have a unified framework because of our freedom, things like this are very tricky if not practically infeasible (at least as far as I know).
edit: There was also a thing where you divide up the screen recursively with keyboard shortcuts and when the intersection hovered over whatever you want to click you could hit a key and it would generate a mouseclick there. I forgot the name, never tried it either. But a plus is that it doesn’t need applications to implement a certain API to work so it would work system wide.