There’s also Orbot to run it from a phone
There’s also Orbot to run it from a phone
I’ve gotten a comment in my annual review, but I don’t think it impacted by bottom line score. And tbf, I was swearing in front of clients, in an industry where a bit more professionalism is the norm.
Oh, I think I’ve already seen this movie.
It’s 690 km from the shore, not the surface
OK but I’m genuinely terrified by how common this is at my company, and its notably better at retention then the industry norm.
Screw Dead Internet Theory, this is my conspiracy: Crowdstrike style incidents are going to get more and more common as techdebt keeps growing.
Haha same. I didn’t believe it and found the article
OK setting aside the Q thing, am I the only one who had a weird number of those growing up?
And Racoon
? Was there supposed to be a picture?
(Its been a thing since the 40s)
But people who don’t return carts are just as bad as landlords???
Source: xkcd
I had a dm who would tell us to roll. And then say “you fail” before hearing the number
I mean it worked in Wyoming didn’t it?
Good, that’s what women want too
Imo this is firm “you can get away with it exactly once” territory. It’s clever, so it should be rewarded. But after the once every lord will mysteriously have anti-shape shifting wards.
How long ago was this? They’re usually online now.