Subnautica took me a few goes to properly get into, but once I was in, oh boy was I in
Subnautica took me a few goes to properly get into, but once I was in, oh boy was I in
Universe sandbox seems interesting enough for me to want to play but not quite enough for me to spend $30 on. This would be a perfect opportunity to finally give it a go.
Steam, please and thankyou
If that was the default. I’m honestly not sure
I did replace my 980 with a 6600 at the same time though, so that could have fixed the steam issue.
I couldn’t get steam to run, it could have been a problem with my nvidia card, it would occasionally hang at shut down or restart needing a forced shutdown, and it really didn’t like waking up from sleep.
I’ve tried Ubuntu and pop_OS but had problems with them. But I’ve just installed Mint Debian edition and it’s been going great so far
The REAL generative AI
Fair, I do like wires
I’m the one asking questions here!
Why did you have a 10kg bag of wires?
I missed the frenetic combat from the original games. Just wasn’t God of War without it
TIL I’m American
Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. A long time…
If you’re going to be using it as a Plex server, aren’t you going to need some sort of network connection anyways?
Dear brother. I am happy that you are alive. Thank you. Love, Luculia.
His name is Robert Paulson
It probably didn’t help that the first couple of tries were prerelease. Finally gave it a full play through a year or two ago