Pikmin 5
Elaine | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
No AI is used in my process
Pikmin 5
I get this too! I don’t judge them, I listen because they’ve probably been wanting to do that for a long time. Another thing that happens with me is that “tough” types will approach me and start acting really friendly with me, whereas with other people they’re always angry and intimidating. I think there’s something about me that’s really disarming but like you, I have no idea what it is!
Checking up on your friends and asking how they are. It never hurts to be there for your friends when they’re having a bad day! ❤️
We’re gonna be eating lots and lots of delicious food!
I think some people believe that life is like a movie, and anything remotely weird they’re unable to explain off-hand is evidence of something extraordinary when it is quite mundane. Some people notice something, word gets out on social media, and then other people start to look at the sky more and notice things. There’s even a word for this phenomenon, it’s called the Baader-Meinhof effect. If I were to create a spy drone, I wouldn’t design it to have navigation lights so that it can be easily seen by people. The first video I saw was without any context and was pretty blurry but even then, I saw that it was very obviously just a drone.
Oh I did haha. I mean in-game days!
My current record for beating the original Pikmin game is 7 days, which is very close to the fastest it can be beaten, which is 6 days.
I don’t shop for clothes online. In clothes shops they typically have changing rooms, and there would be nothing more disappointing than finding a dress or other article of clothing that I really like, only to try it on after it gets delivered and find out it’s either too big or too small…
I often wonder if people who live in Australia feel a similar way considering how Christmas time is typically depicted.
Nope. Who doesn’t love the idea of a winter wonderland Christmas?
Lurking in the shadows
Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf
Living in the woods, Shia LaBeouf
I smile at her 😃
The contrast is either too little or too much and I won’t know unless I look at the drawing again the next morning
When I’d contracted the flu… I’d forgotten to get my flu shot that year, hard lesson learned!!
The darker nights, the Christmas music, giving others presents and receiving presents from people, and having an excellent excuse to eat huge amounts of chocolate!
Someone took my art without my permission and posted a version of it that was AI generated, telling me they used the art I’d posted for the AI’s output. The silhouette looked more or less the same but everything else looked like an uncanny amalgamation of textures taken from other people’s art and the AI also gave it weird snaggle teeth (turbinid dragons don’t have teeth, so it looked really off).
Oh good gosh I just about lost my appetite too reading this 😂 glad you were okay though!
Pasta that was four years past its date. Some pieces were a bit brittle and I think it went a little softer faster than what was usual but overall I didn’t notice any difference and I enjoyed it! 😃 Definitely don’t do this with already cooked pasta though! The pasta I had was raw and in a sealed bag.
I’ve read about people being automatically banned by AI for saying something along the lines of “I hate burritos” because it had the word “hate” in it, so the AI judged their comment as hate speech and auto-banned them even though they were talking about food or a videogame character. AI is not very good at reading context and the “A” in “AI” is an important detail here.