Whats a beehaw?
Whats a beehaw?
We’re obviously discussing common usage.
Saying something is obvious doesn’t make it true. The only noun you use in your first comment is “Democrats” so how is this not a discussion about politics? I am having a discussion about politics and I’m going to do my best to use political terminology in its established scientific meaning not a niche dialect that you believe is “common use.”
The world is much bigger than the USA. Americans only make up 15% of the English speaking world. What you call “common use” is just “ignorant and wrong” to the rest of us.
In America, “liberal” means “left wing”.
No it doesn’t. Widespread ignorance does not change objective reality. This sort of thinking is Hyperliberalism. Just because most Americans are politically illiterate doesn’t mean the definition is changed. 40% Americans also believe the entire universe is only 6000 years old.
If you ask an american political scientist to define “liberal” they will tell you the “international” definition. If you allow technical and scientific terms to be subjected to “language just evolves” you end up with a Tower of Babble type situation where different groups of people are unable to communicate with one another despite using the same language and society collapses.
Democrats are liberals. Republicans are too. Both of them are reactionary.
“conservatives” are just a subtype of liberal. The “Liberal” in “Liberal Media” simply means that it is private property run for profit of individuals and not State owned media run in the interests of the nation.
we just aren’t that into you.
You are lucky you said “its kinda fun” because I was this 👌 close to trolling you with shit posts.
“unfalsifiable orthodoxy”
You know if you miss reddit so much I am sure you could just go back there.
No authorities means no god.
Alternative joke: Anarchists are the only ones who get a good afterlife the rest of us are stuck haunting.
yeah most liberals believe horseshoe theory and think Communists and fascists are both evil authoritarian rightists.
rhomboid pain
I had this from having my shoulders curled in while working as well as sleeping on my side. I was picking fruit which requires lots of reaching. Try to be aware of keeping your shoulders square and get a friend to jam their elbow in there and grind it out.
if it did work and made my family and friends proud then I could stop struggling.
Why can’t they be proud that you are happy? Why do you need them to be proud of you? It sounds like they are projecting their desires/dreams on to you. You could be honest with them and tell them you aren’t happy trying to make them proud the way they want. You want them to be proud of you for being you. Or you could ghost your family and friends who sound like they want you to be someone you don’t want to be.
I have blue gold rooster with 3 black silver and one Blue Silver hen. Only the blue hen should be capable of ever throwing splash chicks. (splash is white with black/grey mottling) This season I have set and hatched 22 of their eggs. (100% hatch on them so far is awesome but one died from its mom stomping it 😞) If the hens are all laying the same rate 1/4 should come from the Blue silver hen. (5.5) Yet 5 of the 22 chicks we have hatched are splash. The odds that 5 out of 5 chicks are all splash are kinda crazy. (.097%)
A Blue rooster over a Blue hen should result in 25% black 25% splash and 50% blue. The blue/black/splash coloring comes from genes that have 2 slots and 2 types. 2 copies of BL gives a black chicken 2 copies of bl+ give you a splash and one of each gene gives you a blue chicken. Each parent contributes 1 copy of one of their genes. So a black and a splash will give you blue chicks every time.
It is possible that I set more of the blue girls eggs but even doubling the number of her eggs (very unlikely) wouldn’t make the odds reasonable.
The chance that it is some crazy mutation is also low because the mutation would have to be in the hen and be attached to both her BL and bl+ gene and it would have to over ride the male’s color gene completely.
stuck between 2 highly unlikely realities.
Thanks for making this joke.
“I’m sorry but…”
Dude what a game. I can’t remember how many hours I spent playing that one. I used to play the first bit of one level over and over because you got air to surface misses right near the beginning and then when you aborted the mission you could sell them and make mad stacks.
Best lynch film Change my mind
they should also keep a list of users personal info and send it to the Party after the revolution so they can be sent to reeducation promptly.