no, this is my mother’s soup
no, this is my mother’s soup
Bro would hate chess
you can befriend the entire cast if you want
Comics = American
Manga = Japanese
Generally that’s the accepted connotations, even though the words are technically the same.
Where’s this from?
I’m morbidly curious at how that happens/works
I’m in the US and the local blood centers near me give $20 gift cards for whole blood ($40 for platelets and “automation” whatever the fuck that means (that might be the whole blood donation idk (if that’s the case then I don’t know what specific donation the $20 is for exactly))). No idea about plasma though.
There’s a lot of good points being tossed around but I think this one is particularly good.
you should do it now.
so what Pathfinder does?
A few of my friends are DMs and pretty much all of them (myself, a DM, included) pretty much just cancel the session if a player can’t show.
nah, plus the leviathans. I can’t wait for subnautica 3
The more modern version of this is to use Apple or Google pay or whatever the fuck those are called.
note: I do not use those services
wait is THAT why my mint edge iso randomly fucking sends me back to login screen??
I really don’t like killing players, and when I am a player, I really don’t like having my pc killed. That being said, I like the idea of player killing, because then it ups the stakes (theoretically. I’ve never played in a permadeath campaign). Parties would have to think twice about taking on a more powerful foe, or consider running away as a very real option to avoid death, or reconsider doing absolutely stupid shit that will get them arrested and executed. It (again, theoretically) makes the game more realistic in a sense?
But then you’re playing it, and your character you wrote a 3 page backstory for dies because of bad rolls or shitty combat balancing, and now you’re pissed because you really liked playing that character, but the dm isn’t going to rewind time and the party has no way to resurrect the character or at least preserve the body until they do have the means. Or you’re on the other side of this as a DM, and watching a good player get pissed off and quit the table because of it.
holy shit no fucking shot. fully playable battlefront 3???