My wishlist is busted. Anyone else?
My wishlist is busted. Anyone else?
I was 27. With the CPAP I’m down to less than one. It’s amazing
Hell yeah I had a really poor memory and was always exhausted. I had to nap every day. Now with the CPAP I get 8 hours of sleep and I can remember things that happened weeks ago
Yeah it was terrible but so many extensions! It also helped push Emmett into mainstream
Brackets had some nice features and a fantastic layout.
Cookie cutter. A really neat metroidvania with a lot of blood
How does factorio work? Do you play with a magnifying glass?
iPads are solid devices. They’re expensive yeah but at least it’s not a fucking Windows tablet. And if you need something just downright idiot proof Apple has got your back.
Ai is great for finding small flaws or reciting documentation in a more succinct way. But writing new code and functions? That’s a fools errand hoping it works out
Sound kind of like the idea behind wasteland 3
Orion is my favorite
Trucker cap I got when I saw the dead south
This is very true. I play less than I used to but I’m still in a very active clan and I still drop money occasionally hun pretty things from the store or DLC items
I actually looked for something like this and while they do exist, they all seem really shoddy and I would not trust them with my devices sadly
Kirby nightmare in Dreamland
Unfortunately I’m on a big destiny 2 kick and that’s firmly in the category of I can go fuck myself
Despite the huge advancements lately it’s just still not as good for gaming. I have very limited time I don’t want to waste it negotiating settings and forget games that use anti cheat. It’s really a shame because for anything and everything else Tux wins
Co worker and I would book meeting rooms then close it up and play coop bloons
Same at immediately asked me for my social security number. So you would need to know my first name last name my phone number or email and my social security. I’m not sure what else they could do to protect it outside of two factor