Black cat you say …
…and one those big pickled onions
Black cat you say …
My migration to Linux Mint coincided with getting a Brother Laser printer (DCP-L3520CDW) and I’ve had zero issues with text, photos or scanning. I just fired up the Brother and Mint said “oh, you’ve got a printer, wanna use it?”
A cheese sandwich. Buttered white bread, a thick slice of salty cheddar, and a layer of English mustard. No nonsense.
Stumbleupon was how I found Reddit !
Thanks Newpipe! Much appreciated!
Yep, I getting the same issue here, :(
I used to work in a large manufacturing complex and two of us would walk around with clip boards pointing and taking “notes”. If anyone would ask what was going on, we’d say we were carrying out random health and safety inspections.
There’s an independent coffee shop in the park by me, so a cappuccino, a big slice of carrot cake and just enough change for a lottery ticket.
Relatively new full-time Linux user here. My first experience of using Linux was Knoppix. I had it on cd-rom to troubleshoot Windows, got into media servers and xbmc, so had a few OpenElec machines. Now have Mint as a daily driver.
This is how you fight off Tigers with using antiperspirant, it blocks the paws…
Yes, and then let Biden pardon him…