Check out the Fomorians or Nothics, could treat those as a company of the enemy elves tried controlling dark magic for the war effort and were corrupted by it.
Check out the Fomorians or Nothics, could treat those as a company of the enemy elves tried controlling dark magic for the war effort and were corrupted by it.
Much more involved but you could give it a resin or a CA glue finish. That would involve some hand sanding and polishing potentially but would be way stronger
Guess I just have to buy Balatro harder then
Sounds like you need a break from video games tbh. If you like the role-playing accepts you might try Dnd or another TTRPG.
Verizon at least has a block by area code setting and that’s saved me a lot of headache
Not from a star wars crossover unfortunately. This is absolute Batman, a Bruce Wayne who is just a city engineer not a billionaire so he makes all his gear from what he can find
Warhammer has its own community but theyre of course welcome here
Sinkhole repair, my guess is a leaking water utility pipe that eroded under the road until it collapsed as a car drove over one day
No sure shot but it does sound like it’s not the alarm that’s the problem. You’ve trained yourself to be able to ignore your alarm, that it doesn’t mean “get-out-of-bed” time to your unconscious brain. Change the alarm tone on your phone and have a few practice sessions. Set your new alarms after a short nap and as soon as those alarms go off throw off all the covers and stand up fully as soon as you can. The idea is to retrain your brain to get up all the way at the sound of that alarm.
Another thing that’s really helped me personally is installing a smart light bulb that turns itself on just before my sound alarms start going off. That way I’m not trying to force myself awake in a dark noisy room.
To be fair they break Brendan frequently
Harvard puts classes online for free, libraries are already paid for through tax dollars and YouTube exists. You can go back to school whenever already friend
Everyone in the building wears one regardless.
My management or owners are not allowed to see the content and it can only be reviewed by a third party arbitration.
If the camera is off I might as well be dead to my employers and coworkers.
My pay increases proportionally to the success of the business.
Roger roger
I never said that ring was for your finger
The Thrawn book trilogies are probably the closest I’ve found to Star Wars being sci fi. There is a specific focus on real world physics in a way that is very absent from everything else Star Wars especially when they write about space battles. Only things that stay firmly fantasy and require that suspension of disbelief are, of course, the Force and Thrawns preternatural ability to read an enemy’s battle tactics from their species artwork
Fuck, is that why?
I’m with you on some Sith definitely going HAM and leaving just pieces but I don’t think Maul himself would he’s more of an assassin
I had the same thought for a while, then I started playing dnd and subsequently DMing. Now any extra mental bandwidth I did have goes to solving open-ended people problems my players give me while we’re playing.
Side benefit is I’ve felt more empathetic and patient with people since starting because I have to constantly put myself in a character’s head when we’re role-playing. I imagine that makes one seem more personable and cool to be around possibly helping with the unemployment too
But like, that’s how you do it though. Are you gunna fuck it up a lot? Absolutely but you’re going to learn and get it right the next time