I’m unable to help with this but am curious: how are you finding the ultra 7 on Fedora in general? And have you been able to make use of NPU?
I’m unable to help with this but am curious: how are you finding the ultra 7 on Fedora in general? And have you been able to make use of NPU?
Give the encrypted file to one person, the key to another and do not keep either yourself. They exchange them if you die.
RFF was the best thing I’d discovered on the internet for as long as I can remember. I was gutted to hear about it stopping.
Bandwagon is in development, which is/will be a federated music platform which can integrate with internet radio. You can check out the first instance at bandwagon.fm
In the meantime I’ve been really enjoying the music on Mother Earth Radio, particularly their instrumental channel.
“I take full responsibility for my Arch system.”
No wonder everyone feels so overwhelmed.
Does that mean that those people who paid a random dude on the internet for GIMP are the altar boys?
I have no problems with lemm.ee. Mastodon on the other hand…
I got booted from my first instance for going against prevailing opinion even though I was perfectly polite about it.
My girlfriend would be very unhappy with me I spontaneously left for a couple of days in this way.
Pretty much any video of Mick Lynch.
It’s hard to articulate but probably the only thing for me right now is the sheer weirdness of everything. It feels like everyone’s perceptions of reality have been shaken loose and unusual things are more likely to happen.
So nothing concrete; just vibes. And uncomfortable vibes at that.
Also, chaos and upheaval lead to change and the most optimistic part of me hopes that whatever emerges from it will be defined by people who have had the courage to resist all of the fear, hate and greed.
Links to download the app are halfway down the article
Good news :)
I use free software. Is this for me or for the people who make free software and receive donations from people like me?
If a business makes it too difficult to use them I just use someone else. I’m sure they understand that but are making a killing at the expense of other people.
OK. Did I imagine it?
Arts and Humanities research.
Wetherspoons ‘Beyond’ veggie burger used to be the absolute shiznit. They stopped being cheap though, so there’s no real reason to go there any more.
I add my voice to this request. Cough up the names.
If an appimage is available you could probably just move it across on a USB drive.
Excellent post. I hope everyone reads this.
I’d like to reinforce your point about RSS feeds. I think that being in control of the amount and type of information that infiltrates your thoughts is a form of privacy that we all we need to exercise.
For those who don’t already know; one great thing about the fediverse is that you can follow hashtags via RSS. You can literally only see the things you want to see, if you want to!