That’s totally right!
Iirc the games had very similar mechanics and look to them, forgot the thread was about Capcom 😅
That’s totally right!
Iirc the games had very similar mechanics and look to them, forgot the thread was about Capcom 😅
Never played Dino crisis but I LOVE me some parasite eve.
Nothing against Dino crisis, just never got to play it, and definitely would take the opportunity.
Super pumped for onimusha reboot, would love to see modernization of Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, And do something interesting with megaman - like Devil may cry meets megaman.
Same here! Loved the main 3, absolutely hyped to see It make a comeback looking the way it does so far
I’m pending diagnosis for ADHD but if I had to take a stab at it I’d say both groups have tasks they simply can/cannot do without some kind of help or personal system of ways to accomplish any number of things
Something unifying about having obtuse yet ironclad processes for doing things that should be simple and others find baffling
The memes are pretty good here too!
This is very true, especially around mid game.
There are significantly more quests than you need to advance levels and eventually you get level 30+ having done all the side quests and there will be several unfinished missions for recommend level 7-20 that become worthless unless the story/character behind it interests you.
Definitely grind early missions as they are basically tutorials and also give you lore on all the factions, don’t worry too much about gold as you will rarely be able to buy weapons better than what you find.
By mid game you’ll have tons of access to loot for selling and will probably be more interested in spending money on refining/upgrading items than buying mediocre armor and weapons.
The bombs and oils are great if you keep them upgraded
Never sell ingredients you don’t have a billion of, you can buy a potion to redistribute your levels and switching from magic/physical build to late game Alchemist is really strong and fun and changes up play style.
Fair enough, I assumed you gamed on both and stopped for PS5 because they made PSN mandatory and I somehow was unaware.
Can’t justify a gaming PC when PS4 pro was pretty cheap and my gaming hours are not what they used to be
I can justify a not so new console every 5 or so years as they hit my value for money sweet spot, and reduced gaming hours due to life
But the upfront cost for a decent rig to replace consoles entirely is not what I want to use my money for (for now!)
Can’t wait to finally make the jump though!
I’ve had my PS4 pro for years and never had paid PSN, is it required for PS5?
Or just for online play, which I do not care for
I’ve always done protein powder first, then add liquid and doing it the other way around sounds like blasphemy.
Never get any clumps either!
Dry powder on top of a liquid is pure insanity, next you’ll tell me you add milk to a bowl of cereal before the cereal
But from there, there is actually much debate about which order of combining is best. Some say that adding dry into wet leads to clumps of dry ingredients floating in the batter, while others say that actually the opposite, adding wet to dry, leads to, well, clumps.
It would appear that the jury is still out, and everyone despises clumps. But one thing is definitely true: It’s much harder to successfully add dry ingredients into wet ingredients neatly. That order tends to lead to a giant puff of flour wafting toward the ceiling, and settling all over the counters, while a steady, viscous stream of wet ingredients will instead narrowly ribbon its way down into the bowl containing dry ingredients, and nowhere else.
That’s rough buddy, hope you crack it soon!
Love AC6, but never chased S rank. From what I remember, using certain items (parts/weapons) or the resupply Sherpa lock you to A rank or lower
Other than that, I believe it’s time, damage taken, but may also be kill % and damage output (hidden enemies preventing S? Is that a thing?)
Hopefully someone can give you a better answer!
Only if that heat radiation would be evenly distributed - otherwise you would have a gradient which still results in duality of light/dark
There are also places that are relatively empty, which would result in a more typical darkness
Also, speeding everything in existence up to the point of luminance is kind of tricky, what with natural law and all
Less chat bots on Lemmy, and they seem to be easily identifiable and ignored/reported.
Lemmy isn’t quite at that sweet spot where there are enough daily users to get niche content and information from a group of knowledgeable people - but some communities seem to be quite active and helpful already.
I’d love to get to the point where we have a big science/history community and get some non-celebrity AMA’s that have genuine interaction.
I’m more than happy for Lemmy to stay “underground” for a good while, slowly building communities. Once things hit a critical mass and wind up on corporate radar, lemmy will get swarmed and another migration will happen with the same core groups that joined lemmy early.
I feel like his advice is really only applicable if the tasks are received pre-gamified, otherwise it’s just the same task with double the work:
Here’s a list of tasks
but it’s boring and tedious
use the content of the list to create a game with structure that ties individually completed tasks to generate automatic, immediate, output/result/gratification
Begin accomplishing gamified list tasks <---- (should be starting here)
Finish quickly due to gamification.
That whole approach ain’t gonna work on someone with ADHD. If it isn’t received pre-gamified, I’m not gonna do a bunch of extra work before I can start the actual work.
“The hack to being unable to start a task, is to start an additional, more complicated task” - No
“The best way to get an ADHD brain to quickly accomplish simple task lists is by having accomplishments provide immediate results/rewards” - Yes
Cocain isn’t calming at all! It tastes horrible, makes my throat go numb and dry which makes me gag, while everyone else seems to be somehow enjoying themselves and wanting more.
I’ll be over here smoking my 16th joint of the afternoon while daydreaming of every anime fight scene I’ve ever seen all at the same, while taking out only half the trash before I start mowing either only the front or back yard while 2 songs simultaneously play in my mind thank you very much
Super happy that strong unions in gaming are becoming a thing. Modern games are absolutely massive undertakings, and well made games provide so much more than just a one-off revenue stream that is often ignored by executives as business exists solely for money at the top.
A union made game that’s allowed to take the time it needs to be fully cooked will probably be the most popular/best game in the (any) franchise.
Unfortunately it will probably make 10% the money of some Fallout mobile game they churned out over a weekend that lets you buy a gold vault suit that doesn’t do anything for $4.99.
I don’t have a problem with companies making money off the free to play (and pay to win) model, but it’s sad to see them mistreat the IP that generates a dedicated fan base because the only thing that matters is immediate profit - which will hopefully be heavily mitigated by a union.
Exactly what I was thinking, this pupper was 100% chalked
You forgot my favorite of sleep-hating-brain internal dialogue!
"Why would you need to sleep until your alarm goes off when I can wake you early and you can be anxious about not sleeping! Or all the stuff you feel you should now start but are too tired to do even though you know I won’t let you sleep!
Wouldn’t want to sleep through that! Why do you think I kept you up so late??"
Fully agree, the limited graphics really muted the effects and they became more prominent/ubiquitous as systems improved
But I also felt more connected and immersed with the muted effects stories despite the limited graphics and detail
Not sure how hot this take is, but ever since FFX I have found the FF series leaning heavily into the J part of JRPG
So we get epic characters with world ending powers doing trope-y anime poses and gestures, or get childish priorities and I find it negatively affecting immersion (for me anyhow).
The last “new” final fantasy I’ve played is 13, and some of 13II (as well as rebirth, which I still loved) so I’m not exactly caught up on current FF universes either.
FF1-9 all felt more neutral in that they were people acting to save the world and helping people along the way, whereas more modern final fantasy games seem to have this sweetie goofy cotton candy innocence elements that really clash with underlying story/universe. Like I’m watching elementary school Anime mashed into an adult FF universe.
I’d love for the FF7 remake series to shift to a much darker, gritty, adult tone (chocobos can still be happy tho, love those guys)
Hated callisto protocol. I wound up just playing on easy so I could get through it as fast as possible.
The atmosphere was pretty good, but the entire game annoyed me from beginning to end.
Narrative driven, story rich games don’t sell?
How many video game franchises are making the leap to tv/movies these days? Hint, it’s the ones with narrative driven, story rich games.
Go ahead and make pay to win mobile games, I don’t play them and they rake in millions so it makes perfect business sense.
But the idea that gamers don’t pay for good narrative driven, story rich games is laughable.
I think the biggest problem with a lot of game franchises have is they only sell the game. So much money is being left on the table with the best efforts being a screengrab lazily printed on a cheap shirt that sells maybe one or two.
If I could get some official, quality, Umbrella/Shinra/Arasaka/Faro corporation mugs, phone covers, meme tier shirts etc I’d be all over it.