I’ve been running Chimera for about 8 months and love it. I’m very picky about package managers, and APK is up there with xbps (Void) in performance.
Almost everything I need I can run via flatpack. There are a few apps that I miss. They have a guide for porting them but I got lost last time I tried to get everything setup.
I thought about just running a container for those apps, but got lost in that setup too :). I’m waiting for some winter westher to hit so I have an excuse to stay inside and play with it.
I think you elude to it, but just to clarify…VC’s and companies have been buying homes like crazy, thus reducing an already anemic inventory.
Mountain biking, hiking, skiing, or golfing.
Life outdoors is so enjoyable and cathartic.
Trying to setup dnscrypt-proxy on my personal laptop. I tend to think I things are more complicated, so I went down the rabbit hole searching for all manner of issues and setup guides. It’s not hard… RTFM
Don’t forget Chimera Linux ( not to be confused with Chimeraos)!
Gotcha. I looked at Seduction the bistro and I’m inclined to give it a trial alongside a few others.
It’s soo good. It’s taught me most of what I know about Linux. And, without getting into a battle over inits, I just love the simplicity of runit.
I never took a swing at musl, though I did kick it around a few times. I used my laptop for work for years and couldn’t afford to lose options for some apps. The gloves are off now :)
Great suggestion. A few of the distro suggestions here are in the deep end of the Linux pool, so it’s probably best to build them virtually to see how I want things setup.
I know, so cool. I am open to learning, but I am not sure I am in for that depth of education :)
I haven’t honestly. Isn’t that one that takes forever to install because it builds the packages as you install the system?
Ah Chimera. I’ve been looking at that the last two days. I am really tempted to give it a shot. My laptop is mostly for playing around these days. Are you running it?
I forgot about Arch. I ran Manjaro for a year and didn’t have the best experience. 'Course I was pretty green on Linux then.
Thanks, Sid hasn’t been on my radar. Ill go have a look. I happen to have a ZFS box up in rsync.net running Debian, and it’d be nice to learn more about CLI in the deb world.
Thanks for the heads up. That is something I’ve taken into consideration. I am curious how long I’d last on musl.
It’s definitely hard to beat: )
Void is just soo good.
Thanks to all for the responses… and thanks for this detailed response. I have a habit of making simple things complicated… Which it looks like I did in this case.
I also completely agree on Chimera. It’s such a solid distro.