you meant to say “tight!”
Ask me! =)
you meant to say “tight!”
That will backfire badly and Biff becomes a drug lord.
Was an on/off service technician/engineer for the last 20 years and can confirm. Many times I’d get a fault call just to arrive, pull out my screw driver and the issue simply resolves itself. It’s as if it knows things are getting serious and it’s afraid to be taken apart.
You’re being reasonable. You can’t do that here. You seem to be a good person, you do your part, you’re productive, you are social in real life, you breathe outdoors but don’t dare to criticise “the movement” otherwise the self-elected majority will silence you because you’re wrong.
here, I fixed it for ya! =)
dnf check-update
dnf updateinfo
dnf updateinfo list
sudo dnf upgrade
wow, chill bruh! I didn’t say I thought is wrong for those that can do it, do it. I criticised the apparent need for “revolution” over governments on developed countries. if you/me live in a developed country we are already doing better and will continue to do better, no doubt. Just don’t flatter yourself thinking that we must do this at any cost because other, poorer countries aren’t and won’t be for a very long time…
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get autoremove
Big movements on developed countries won’t change how developing countries will treat the climate going forward. Do you really believe on the numbers reported by China for example? Do you think that poor countries where millions of people starve care about not burning hydrocarbons? CO2 production is a game of scales and the little we can contribute is just that, little, very little in fact if compared to what big industries do around the world.
As Louis Rossman said: “if Apple is happy about this, I’m worried.”
USB-C should have never been a “finally” moment for a giant like Apple.
wow wow wow wow… wow