Runs fine on mine but it definitely runs it at a weird res and upscales to maintain performance
Runs fine on mine but it definitely runs it at a weird res and upscales to maintain performance
You can take my 100TB storage array from my cold, dead, hands.
Nightcore way predates 2015
You absolutely can. My partner is in year 4. Any stress in stardew valley is self-imposed
You could definitely do a UV layer just stuck on the inside with an adhesive, but I get the feeling that OP likes the idea of them being “totally” 3D printed
Have fun, in my opinion it only gets better as you go
Wow your dad is pretty young. How old is the cat?
In general, no. In this context? It does
Best is to try to get the dumbest TV you can and plug in an android tv streaming box to it imo
idk they just look like hands to me
It’s going to stay on my wishlist but I think I’ll sit on it for a while Thank you for your response!
Wow! Thank you for the detailed response, based on your comments and those of the other responder I’ll probably pass on it for now, I’m deeply uncomfortable enough on my own thank you.
Who knows though, it may still end up in my library later when it goes on sale. I have a bad history of that.
Is this game fun? I have seen lots of recommendations for it but the name of the game along with some of the art has me worried it’s going to be deeply uncomfortable. To anyone who has played it: how would you describe the mood of the game?
You had me at mortal engines
Mans living in an alternate reality where Fallout and FarCry switch
But my electric kettle only cost me $10
Welding! Just personal projects