Well, then you were lucky. I‘ve been hiking off the beaten paths and more than once forced me an agitated bull to detour as he would not let me near his herd.
Well, then you were lucky. I‘ve been hiking off the beaten paths and more than once forced me an agitated bull to detour as he would not let me near his herd.
It really depends on what breed and how they were raised. In the Alps, there are almost anually reports of wanderers being attacked or even killed by cows. They often are with their calves for a longer time, are less accustomed to (strange) people and usually a fully intact male is in the heard that can get really protective.
Approach them with caution, watch their behaviour closely and use common sense. That’s what I do and for me that works.
Baby-Feuchttücher bestehen in der Regel aus einer Kombination von Materialien und Inhaltsstoffen:
Vliesstoffe: Diese bestehen oft aus Polyester, Polypropylen, oder Baumwolle. Einige umweltfreundlichere Varianten verwenden biologisch abbaubare Materialien wie Zellstoff oder Bambusfasern.
Bindemittel: Um die Vliesstoffe zusammenzuhalten, werden häufig Klebstoffe oder chemische Bindemittel eingesetzt.
Feuchttücher sollten grundsätzlich nicht über die Toilette entsorgt werden, auch wenn sie als “spülbar” gekennzeichnet sind. Die meisten Feuchttücher lösen sich nicht vollständig auf und können zu Verstopfungen und anderen Problemen in den Abwassersystemen führen. Die richtige Entsorgung erfolgt über den Restmüll.
TickTick has been my weapon of choice for several years now. Still loving it.
Planmäßig 45 min an 6 Tagen die Woche, im Schnitt. Realistisch eher an 4-5 Tagen, dafür auch mal länger. 3-3,5 h Sport pro Woche kann ich guten Gewissens einbuchen.
Don’t worry too much about not speaking German. You will be fine speaking English 99% of the time.
Hab ich zu Coronazeiten gekauft um Papier zu sparen. Heilige Faeces, ich kann nicht mehr ohne! Das Ding kommt sogar mit in den Urlaub.
That is complete and utter nonsense! If you‘d seen a commercial kitchen from the inside, you’d know that an air fryer is absolutely useless, as you already have appliances that do the job and do it way better.
And as you are only stating second hand opinions and clearly have no personal experience in cooking on a commercial level regarding neither quality nor quantity, I stand with my point and boldly call you an uncritical believer in advertising and an idiot.
You mean, I should act as you and just fart baseless assumptions into the internet?
Contrary to you, I cook professionally on a regular basis and I have tried out air fryers for various products and recipes and stand by my judgment.
In comparison to fat fryers or conventional baking ovens, air fryers provide an extremely uneven heat distribution and dry out the product without creating a roasted crust.
But if you like heating your hot pockets in them, go ahead.
Just proving my point! On paper…. maybe Practically…. another universe
Tell me you have no clue about cooking, without telling me you have no clue about cooking….
Air fryers are utter toad-crap! Absolutely ridiculous compared to either fan ovens or deep fat fryers!
Kannst Du für die nächsten 10-12 Jahre JEDEN Tag mindestens 1h für die Beschäftigung & Auslastung des Hundes aufbringen? In den ersten beiden Jahren auch mehr, bis die Ausbildung sitzt und die Pubertät vorbei ist.
Aussies sind SEHR bedürftig nach Bewegung und Beschäftigung. Gassi gehen reicht da nicht. xDoodle sind da nur wenig besser.
Ich persönlich würde mir das nicht zuzumuten wollen. Und wenn es ein Hund sein muss, dann einer mit deutlich weniger Anspruch an Auslastung.
When I got heavily involved in karate and kickboxing, training barefoot 5x per week, I lost almost two shoe-sizes. After I stopped, I gained them back year by year. Now I wear mostly barefoot shoes and again have lost at least one size. I attribute it to the ability of your feet muscles to maintain the arc and keep your middle foot together,
When you dissolve instant coffee directly into hot water, the amylum contained in the granules hardens, creating a powdery taste and consistency. By mixing the granules with cold water first, they dissolve more gently once introduced to hot water.
I found this technique makes for a richer and more flavourful coffee experience. Allegedly also because aromatics evaporate slower.
I used to avoid instant coffee until I read this somewhere and tried it. It definitely changed my coffee game. The rationale behind it is that aromatics evaporate too quickly when the instant powder is infused with too/boiling hot water.
Absolutely. Quality instant coffee tastes as good as a regular brew, when prepared correctly: dissolve in cold water, ONLY THEN add hot water.
Der leistet seit langem gute Dienste.
Ansonsten einfach ein Victorinox Taschenmesser kaufen und lernen, wie man den dort verbauten benutzt. Der geht immer und ewig.
True. I tried some other rather light-weight distros but no other gave me a comparable polished experience.
Wasn‘t there a crunchbang project putting this nicely together with debian? I remember it fondly, but that is centuries ago…