I think it should be available just in time for Windows 10 sunset later this summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdR-bxvQKN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebmp2FIrTlE
I think it should be available just in time for Windows 10 sunset later this summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdR-bxvQKN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebmp2FIrTlE
Because they’re DRM free, they’re super easy to install too! Another install method is Heroic
If you want to preserve your battery, follow the same principles for any battery, avoid having above 80% and below 20%. I’m not sure for KDE, but on GNOME I have a GUI utility that lets you set this and enable/disable with a toggle.
From Canadian Dairy Farmers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bws8R721Zu8
1:1 calls, sharing is available through their WebRTC implementation. Group calls if they’re still using Jitsi are done through Jitsi, which has support for them
Gnome Health and my GNU Health works well. Linux only though
Element meets all of that criteria
The two most common sources of microplastics that enter your body are from the vessels you eat/drink from, and from particles in the air from things like clothes, carpets, furniture, linens.
How to avoid? Use stainless steel, aluminum, copper, (or other metals), ceramic, or glass storage vessels for things like water (including your Brita) for warming things in the microwave, or for storing food, and reduce buying things in plastic if you plan on keeping them there for awhile (eg glass ketchup bottle). Replace any plastic water pipes in your wall with good ol copper. My main water vessels are all stainless steel.
For particulate, consider air filtration, buy clothes/furniture/carpets made from natural animal/ sources like cotton, wool, bamboo, avoiding plastics like polyester. That includes your scrubbing utensil for dishes. Your carpets are probably made with some sort of plastic, so if it’s too much to do hardwood, or replace with a natural fibre, the Dyson vacuums are good at getting out loose microplastics.
Be warned, one time I almost bought a stainless steel cup from a reputable retailer, and upon further investigation it was just plastic with a steel coating… Yep, made in Communist China…
No, that would require specific web scraping modules for each individual bank, or where open banking exists, an API integration. Many banks you can export XML, CSV, or QIF, all which can be imported by MMEX. I just store my file on my NAS, and open it with the desktop.
I use MoneyManagerEx after looking at alternativeto.net for Mint. It has an Android app in addition to desktop apps, and has an easy interface, compatible with multiple formats
Outside of the 3 listed so far, the only other Linux tablet I know of is Purism’s Librem 11 they have in stock
Been happy with my Purism Librem 14, and soon they’ll have a 16". I think today, I’d probably buy their 11" tablet. Perfect travel size and you don’t need to put it away during takeoff and landing of flights.